Monday, February 28, 2022

Our Hotel In New Mexico


Thought I would share some of the pics I took of our bougie hotel in New Mexico. We love being's so great to hang out in the lobby and the restaurant has a wonderful tapas menu. It is an early/original hotel from Hilton as he grew up here. It's not a large place, no pool, but it's close to the conference and we can just chill, write and meditate in the special "cabanas" in lobby.

Stagg and I in the restaurant having supper.

Playing with snapchat at supper. 

Randon Night Club Pic From The Past


I drag thhis photo out every now and then. This is a staff photo from a night club I used to work at. I started out as a door person doing the cash...but I then switched to doing themed decorations...and I worked with a day crew decoration the club for the first year...we did them. Like comic books, then we did Halloween, then Art Deco....After that first year, I somehow convinced one of the owners to let me paint my own murals on the walls. I showed him my slides...and said we could be liek the clubs in New York with original art on the walls. His name wa sPat Kenny and he kind of took a shine to me, and loved art, and he loved my chutzpah. Pat Kenny was associated with the club THE BITTER END and KENNY'S CASTAWAYS in New Jersey/New York.

The Bitter End

Wiki Page on The Bitter End

Kenny's Castaways

Sunday, February 27, 2022


Stagg and Wallis

We love seeing our conference friends!
Wallis and I all masked up!
Stagg had a blast talking to so many people during our week in New Mexico. If you can see our's ALMOST EMPTY! We sold so much art! Thank you #SWPACA2022
Miles and Stagg. We went out for tapas at Damasios last night.
Stagg and Wallis.
This has been the tagline of the conference...43 years ago. The organizers downplay this aspect...and it's funny whenever I tell people the tagline...there are mixed responses. If it's not popular it's not culture. I love it.
Allen Josephs and Miles Parkinson.

I also recorded this weeks podcast from Alburqueque...and you can listen to THE AGENCY podcast on Apple, Google Play, Podbean...or Youtube...

Exhibitor Table At Pop Culture Convention


Again...we had a table for vending art at the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association conference. We also had podcast merch available. That's one of our mugs and an engraved flask set.

Stagg is hosting the art table and we did amazing this year. We made a little smaller work (easy for travelers) and the organizers had sent out a program including their encouragement for supporting the vendors at the conference. It' really adds to the environment of the conference, when you can wander the central mezzanine and look at books and art in between panels. Stagg talks to people all day.
We sold so much stuff that we almost have an empty suitcase going home! Thank you so much for the support!!!!!

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, ALBQ


We had visited the Indian Pueblo Cultural Museum two years ago and had lunch at their restaurant. That visit was so good we went out again to see some art. I was really interested in seeing the skateboard show which I had heard about from some other conference attendees.

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center houses performance, traditional dance events, a permanent collection and revolving exhibits. Right now is an exhibit titled PIVOT.
PIVOT refers to the quick transitions many Native people make between their traditional and day-to-day lives. This compelling, inspiring exhibit features unique artwork that speaks to this theme – all using skateboard decks and acrylics as the medium. The many styles and techniques these Native artists have created are with the same agility they use to navigate through the maze of days between cultures. This exhibit, co-curated by Landis Bahe (Diné/Navajo) and Kandis Quam (Zuni), will be on display through Feb. 19, 2023.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Moss Hunting Scene From No Country For Old Men


I feel like I learned so much about rifles used for snipers and the holsters used...or NOT used! Wallis got into the scene with a microscopic details. Fabulous presentation...and I feel like I was a small part of it.

Here is a still I included in my film...identifying the date of the movie NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN. By using the date on the telephone bill, and the time references in the movie...I was able to acertain that Moss dies on Friday the 13th 1980 

Wallis realized when I found the date, June 5, put Moss as a poacher. Hunting season in Texas is not in June! Did the text inform that? Is it an accident? A flaw in the story...or was Moss poaching? a video presentation I did four years ago. Wallis had seen this and the part where I identified the time setting of the movie...the time of the hunting scene...was useful to his presentation and his own writing on the weapons of McCarthy.

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