I have already worked my way through American Inventor. I'm hard at work at painting which means I am everywhere else too. I wanted to not like American Inventor. A telling image in last nights broadcasts was when the judges were making a final decision in an allnight conference setting...for the last 12 people who would also get $50, 000 to develop their ideas...they had photos of the people, not their inventions. The stories these contestants had were incredible. Onion eyed was I. So inspiring

Why Madonna? Well, I love this photo and I have tickets to this show. And her Kaballah name is Esther.

I like this pic of the fire dancer. There is a woman on Survivor who is a fire dancer, and my friends own a circus called Zero Gravity Circus. I wonder if they know Courtney on Survivor? Trust me circus people all know each other. Street performers have elaborate and wonderful care and billeting of each other around the world. You can see Zero Gravity Circus in Toronto.

Charlie Sheen is on Ellen. I can't look away. Hooked. I should rename this blog "Avoiding Painting." I enjoy 2 1/2 Men. I am glad Jon Cryer is out and about. Charlie Sheen has created a children's clothing line. I think they are kidding. No. He is narrating the clothes reading from his notes as adorable kids from Ellens staff model them. He says "distressed bubble shirt" and "Romeo and Juliet embroidered denim skirt". I want to think it's stupid, but I can't the clothes are sweet and childlike and the kids seem happy.

Pink is performing Stupid Girls. She's very good. She looks awesome.

I don't know why this story of Pink and her "controversial" song attracts me. Perhaps because I have always been your classic bimbo. Men didn't ask me for dates to talk about books or opinions on farming. Well, okay no one gets asked out for that. I'm not complaining, I think it's funny. My personality and smile and pretty hair got in me the door. Sometimes it got me the second interview. The best thing about Stagg? He actually likes talking to me. It's hilarious.

Ellen says to Pink, " The cd is good and you say so many important things. Congratulations and I love the cd so much."

The Behr paint label I have been hauling around with me for years. And I mean around, New York, Germany, Montana, Atlantic City, Montreal, Memphis, Vancouver. It's from painting a house on Wicaninnish Island. Not my house. But where my sister brother in law and I went to stay with friends. Very west coast. Remote. Beautiful. My bro-in-law and I painted most of the house while we were there. I love the colours and have been planning to use it in a painting since 1998? Like I said, I should call this blog "Avoiding Painting." I love it with the Tiffany blue. The pastel drippy blue too. No logic, it makes me feel.

Now I flipped all of the sections over and am gluing some of these various sections together. I don't know what particularily I'm doing or thinking. I ask, Does it feel like me and what I am thinking?

Ellen asks Pink, "What made you write that song?"
Pink, "I live here." Audience goes nuts.
Ellen, "What if you bump into one of these girls." Audience goes nuts.
Pink, "I picked easy examples to attack a general thing I find nauseating, and boring." Audience really goes nuts.
Pink, "That is the opposite reaction I expected when I wrote this song. I was designing exotic sexy bulletproof clothes." "I don't want to be a preacher. I want to live by example. I'm an option girl. Acting like someone else you aren't yourself. You need to rebel against these images of celebrity."
Ellen, "You hear that girls be rebellous." Audience goes nuts.
"In a way you don't want to be stupid."

These are getting glued in somewhere now that I've built up a structure. But I'm having second thoughts about ripping up that top right hand corner because I think it looks like its going to be a tough number, on its own. I should really keep painting it, and then send it to my bro-in-law.

Stagg always makes these great drawings for me. I got all crazy today and loaded it in to this piece.

There were music critics once saying Spears or Steffani was the heir to Madonna. I don't know, I think Pinks new hit is anthem like Material Girls and yet drives a deeper message like Express Yourself. I hope Pink gets cast to play Janis Joplin.

I left the bit of Thursday showing in the newsprint. Why? You want to ask an artist her intentions? Like there might be some sound bite I could knock out? Heh. Well, it reminds me of a favourite novel. The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton.

This isn't finished yet...but there is what I have not managed to avoid so far, heh heh. Stagg just got home and I should pour him a glass of champagne. It's a tough job but I love it. Raise the bubbly to Ishtar who had a golden egg that turned into the sun, and she travels back and forth from here to the underworld every six months; that takes smarts.

Update: The finished...The Resurrection of Ishtar
so I was listening to the radio a while back and this voice was telling me all about the Madonna marketing team being on the cutting edge of ring-tone marketing...that's where the money is, baby....all artists need to have signature ringtones. Ya gotta be where it's at....
Hi, thanks for your reply. Hope you're having a great Easter long weekend (with lots of family I hope!). The fast I'm on is going pretty well, it's been super hard, but I'm really re-connecting with my faith...I found that I'm "talking" to God a lot, and really relying on Him for strength! Check out this blog entry that has more detail about how my first three days went http://queenalyas.blogspot.com/2006/04/life-without-essentials.html .
Hey it's nice to know you shop at Superstore!! I love Lindt chocolate and the big bars of President Choice chocolate too!!
Congrats on quiting smoking, I'm sure it was really hard...but the positives of quiting are so great (especially health wise...not to mention the difference in your skin and teeth--forgive me I'm in my last year of Nursing, I try to nag "pro-health"- it's almost second nature lol.
The weather here was amazing today, it got up to +19 (which is considered HOT for us haha, I actually had to turn on the room fan and have a slurpee (which of course was an excuse to have sugar to replace the sugar from chocolate).
Hope you have a great Easter!!!
d34dpuppy, Hi and thats a lot for stopping by. I believe everything is artistic and everyone is is an artist. I don't think our way of living is conducive to every one feeling confident though, about anything. Schools and sometimes families can not be able to recognize the artist in children. I wish I had taken music lessons. I took every other lesson, dance, figure skating, baton. Baton, jeesh! I dream of having a drop in art center where street kids or adults who don't believe they are artistic could come by and play. Anyways I'll drop by your blog shortly...
mister anchovy, yes phone rings are big. I only had my cell phone for two years and it is retired, but I miss it. It was a clunker and the ring was lame. I used to fantasize about all the ring tones I would get. Indianna Jones, Bladerunner, Pulp Fiction. It's interesting really how the cell phone is much like Converse running shoes or painted jeans or punk leather jackets. Kids are so great at making thier tools extensions of their personalities. See artists! Camera companies lost big...they never were able to predict that kids would want cameras on their PHONES! It was a kind of revolutionin design and living. Kodak, polaroid almost buckled. Maybe they did...
A-Lo, oh don't you worry I will be dropping by a lot to your blog. I am always intriqued and inspired when people are looking at how they live, how they dream, and how they can open themselves to the concept of transformation. I love transformative art and rituals. Like Shaman, like meditation, transsubstaniation, dating, art making music listening, and nature. Happy sublime seeking!
candy, cannot say i "understand" your art, but what does it mean to understand it?
i know its a personal thing, what you see as you create is not always what people see as they view.
any road up as they say in these parts, i think i like it and more pwer to you for doing it, wish i could. hard to tell on such a small image. i like to be in the presence to decide fully!
keep it up. cool blog!
ps on the subject of king kong (four dinners site) the wifey may have just fallen to earth, but if she has, she hit her head hard!
bless her!
Heh heh you're so bad. Poor wifey. I say the most ridiculous things too, and people always just can't believe I could be so blonde. Makes for some good laughs though doesn't it?
You bring up a good question about understanding art. I have many thoughts and feelings on that topic. First "understand" is such a limiting term, heh heh. One of the few things I understand about art is that it is an option, an offering to feel, think, read, follow a narrative, hate, like react to, be passionate, a sensuous pastime both viewing and making, and social.
I feel a lot of our lives and duties and schoolong don't often give us time to read or follow art, never mind read novels! I think of art work as animal tracking for example. that is the first "reading" we did, looking and reading movement and history through tracks. A painting or sculpture is similar to that. We may not agree or understand why an artist chose bronze or pink or blue intellectually...but we might feel something from their decisions. We might be reminded of something. We might feel tears. We might feel bored, or repulsed.
Bored is not the way an artist usually wants the viewer to feel ha ha!
Listen its really sweet of you to even take the time to look at these photos of my art making process. I really feel touched, thank you. And you gave me many things to think about as I post the processes. what other verbal details could I offer like what the magazines/newspapers say or their photos, what kind of paint am I using, what size is the piece of art work?
My experience making a painting is that I find the painting "talks" to me as I go along. I don't always understand some of my own motives. I find myself asking many questions. That is the joke of how I am always finding ways to escape the actual painting ha ha and watching tv or doing laundry. No more questions today!!! says my own mind! Now that's blonde for ya.
I can't believe you could write about painting Lyle's without mentioning the sailor rigged in ropes and muscles, the rare, rugged french man.
Vincent. His name was Vincent. And he was a great cook, remember that apple chicken dish he made?
I'm writing a novel that features this very event! It's the memoirs of Simon Magus, the original Gnostic, eternal enemy of everything orthodox. http://simonmagus.com/readings-2 The Whore of Tyre
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