We had twice as many people at art group today. Yippee! I didn't take pictures but there were about 10 of us this afternoon. Andy and I were like "High 5!" And Andy and I met and had coffee before and after and just had a good day. One of the fellows who we met last week, and is a very good artist got a job!
I'm under the weather today...I had to get vaccinations related paperwork since getting hitched... and I'm feeling all woozy today and tonight. I felt like a little kid getting vaccinated, kind of funny. Fortunately my arms aren't too sore...just a headache...later sports fans...off to lie down and watch LOST...please please let Sawyer take his shirt off...
I'm glad your art group is going so well!
I didn't realize you were in to LOST! I also wish Sawyer will take his shirt off once in a while...He's looking a little scruffy these days but I'm OK with that...
Yes, please, shirtless Sawyer rocks!!!
Oh, I am sorry for your yucky feelings. Can I suggest taking some foot detoxes to counteract the effects of those vaccinations. I get them when I have to - but they scare me!
Isn't that exciting about the group doubling! Oh my gosh. I'm so exicted about that - about the whole concept unfolding and growing and developing..
Wandering Coyote. I've posted dozens of posts about LOST here...maybe I'll link some of them for you next week.
Janet, rats no Sawyer whatsoever...but they sure are beginning to wrap up the story, looking good. I loved that pendulum! I took a picture of it on my tv last night ha!
Gardenia, yep, I feel a little lousy. Headache, sleepy but not enough to nap. JUst doing some editing today and laying low. Funny you should mention foot detox, because I soaked my feet in hot sea salt water last night! It felt great! Yes, I am so excited by the art group...and I got a phone message about some supplies being donated! I'm going to pick them up this weekend.
So good to know somebody else is still watching LOST!!
The time travel was offputting at first 'cause it seems so implausible, but I'm reading Michio Kaku's Physics of the Impossible and Godel Meets Einstein and it looks like it's not so crazy after all.
I'm not interested in shirtless Sawyer. I'm more into Locke. I know, I'm a sick bastard.
Doubling of art group is fantastic! Hope you're feeling better after vaccinations.
Well I do have a memory like sieve!
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