What to do now that LOST has wrapped up it's season till winter NEXT YEAR!? It's hard enought o keep track of what the heck is going on...so I might have to rent all seasons by the time this series ends...meanwhile LOST season finale was last night and now what...?
Well there is another X-Files movie coming out this summer...and the Space network in Canada is playing all of LOST series in coming months or...
Several mini-episodes produced by writers with the LOST cast found here.
Tons of links to LOST related articles
Powells Books has a blogger post about LOST every week. Good source for info about all the literary references on the tv show.
ABC's Lost message boards.
I have to admit when it comes to Lost I'm lost. I've tried a few times to watch an episode, but couldn't last. Maybe if I had watched from the beginning or something like that, I would enjoy it.
I got involved with Lost when it first started, then it fizzled out for me. It will probably be like Nip/Tuck - I will probably eventually be devouring all the series in a marathon........
Mister Anchovy and Gardenia, I think this series will be very enjoyable when it all wraps up on dvd. It's kind of a combination of Twin Peaks and The Prisoner...
i adore this show, and that season finale was incredible (in my humble opinion)
can't believe we have to wait till january! what are we to do?
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