We've had a pretty good week around here...we now have cleaned all the stuff we could from the fire and re=packed it which feels really good. We saw our apartment and it is cleaning up really well. We had such an awesome weekend visit with Andy I felt like completely rejuvenated. I also have some really good friends coming down from Toronto this weekend. We plan on taking them around some of our favourite spots in Chicago...and again, we are beside ourselves anticipating fun and good company. I am still using an internet cafe...I don't have a keyboard or mouse yet so until we get settled and with our own phone lines and internet again I will just wait before we get new parts.
Guess what? Stagg and I dug out our cart and went into our basement storage space at the apartment today and got all kinds of paintings so we could busk this afternoon. Can you believe it? I can not even begin to tell you how good it felt to get our busking kit together and fill up the cart with some surviving paintings. Stagg is already out in andersonville and he dropped me off at our favourite internet cafe where we load up on coffee and I check here at my blog. I'll go join him after I post this message in a minute.
This reminds me of something sort of funny. My sister called a couple days after the fire to say that she recived two medium sized paintings in the post. I had utterly forgotten about these paintings that I mailed. My bgrother-in-law comes on the phone and he says"Hey I love the painting" (I sent one for his office and one for my sister) I said" Well do you realize you have one of the few surviving works from the Candy Minx archive?" He says"Wow, maybe they're worth nmore!" Oh man...we were howling with laughter at this on the phone.
Yesterday I had the tv on mute at Grandmas...and the news was on...and I saw Prince Wills and Kate...now,
Vanity Fair just had a massive article on the dating royal couple so I suspected maybe they might get married one day...but was quite surprised at seeing them in an interview. And like I said, I had the volume down...and there was a caption "engaged". Gee, that's awesome I thought...then the camera panned down to her hand and I saw
the ring. I immediately felt totally gutted and started crying. Stagg...was like waht? I choked out..."It's Princess Diana's ring" Now, he's not into monarchy or nothing but he knows I loved Princess Diana...and we right away thought my sister might call. When the biggest craziest weeding of last century occured ( the wildest crazy wedding of this century was, of course Stagg and I) my girldfriend who was from the U.K. were living in victoria B.C. (which is jokingly referred to as more English than the English) and we set our alarms and got up in the middle of the night to make tea and toast and watch Princess Diana marry Charles. What a spectacular dress, what pomp and circumstance, what a beautiful bride etc etc. I was at my sisters in Vancouver when her and my bro-in-law came home and mentioned Princess Diana had been ina car drash. I was like, what?! She wasn't declared dead as yet...and so we turned off the tv. My sister had friends coming over and she didn't want the tv on...but I found out they were Britisish so as soon as they arrived with their new baby to show off...I announced Princess diana was ina car drash. They also hadn't heard the news...and I knew they'd want the tv on (Yes, I am a shit disturber ha ha) So when we put the tv back on...it was announced she was dead. My brother in law to this day says and teases he had no idea what a crying machine I can be...I was inconsolable...and insisted on holding these peoples new born baby while I watched the news coverage. Well...our dinner party was kind of spoiled as we all ate and visited watching the unfolding story all night.
So...I was terribly moved when I turned on the volume yesterday and tried to watch every news coverage I could of the engagement.
oOther than that...not much else to say today...the roller coaster ride of the last three weeks keeps us on our toes and we are hanging in there...okay I am off to join Stagg busking cheers!