I was in New York the month or so of Rob Lowe's sex tape scandal and a local station would play the tape every night at midnight. I remember my reaction to the scandal that Lowe was taking a lot of flak because one of the women was underage. I thought the whole thing was dodgy because no one was taking the other woman to task. After all, she was the same age as Lowe and also involved with an underage person.
I love Rob Lowe and I was very excited to finally get my paws on his book. I read it all in one sitting yesterday because it is just so fun, juicy, charming and the stories are recalled with a good sense of timing and delivery. I feel like I am now buds with Lowe. Lowe has been in several of the classic movies of the 80's and 90's and in likely, the best tv show ever written and produced to this date,
The West Wing. Lowe focuses on about two dozen key moments and stories in his life. I am left feeling like
I wonder what he didn't tell us because I have the feeling this guy has a lot more amazing events he could share. I hope for a sequel!
Lowe has a firm understanding of the changes in pop culture since he was 15 and 17 just starting out, how his appearance has affected his life, and how crazy mad-assed his luck has been in so many ways and with so many people. This guy had such a focus about wanting to practice his imagination and acting since he was a little kid that it feels as if his focus because a magnet for a vsion quest. the weirdness that his mum moved him to malibu and he grew up hanging out with the Sheen and Penn kids. That he ran into Liza Minelli when he was 10 in a hotel lobby with his mum.
I felt an affinity with Lowe's hostory as a kid of divorce who sought solace in the arts. I could relate. And we moved to the west coast from the cold eastern places to arrive ina surreal world of hip counter-culture west coast pathos at nearly the same time. I loved his descriptions of Malibu in the 70's.
Lowe comes across as he appears in interviews...refreshingly polite and positive and unpretentious. I loved every word and even read the acknowledgements at the end of the book. Lowe is hard and self-depricating about himself...but he very kind and compassionate about other people. This was a great way to spend an afternoon with hot cuppa tea and blueberry scones. Fun!
I've included a couple of pics from the movie
The Hotel New Hampshire which is a movie I adore based on a book I adore even more. The movie bombed and although it may not be super strong at every turn it is a beautiful version of a wonderful novel. It's worth a watch if you've never seen it because trying to film a John Irving novel iand comparing movie versions to his novels could be a major rewarding past time.

Gorgeous today and he is as compelling to me now as he was way back in the 80's. Lowe co-hosted with Kelly Ripa on LIVE last week and he was fantastic. Polite, with a touch of the bad boy and grown up humour.

I love this movie
About Last Night. I may have seen it 50 times.

The four stars of
About Last Night. Jim Belushi, Elizabeth Perkins, Demi Moore and Lowe. I watched this a few months ago and it was every bit as wonderful as the first time I saw it. I think it's a true classic love story and about friendship and life dating.

Another movie I have watched many many times,
St. Elmo's Fire.

I LOVE how Rob Lowe looks for his role in
Californication. HOT!