Afraid to buy art? Check out this new book, The Intrepid Art Collector. I haven't read it yet, but I have a fair bit of trust in Edward Winkleman, a blogger and art dealer I've been reading for a few months. The book is written by Lisa Hunter who lives in Montreal, and Winkleman must enjoy the book because his gallery is hosting a book launch this week in New York City. Both these blogs consistently have interesting posts for art lovers. You can read an excerpt here at Amazon. More than anything, I think this is a really good idea for a book. I only hope that for once, when someone is talking about buying art, they discuss passion and love of the pieces they are collecting...hmmm....just for a change?

Art for sale on eBay, including Kawasaki Krump and Insulin.

Check out the link to the hilarious Toronto Star article on tired artists trying to produce enough art for the demands. Click the link on the bottom of this linked page if you want a belly laugh. Artists on an assembly line!
If I can afford it I buy what I like rather than what I'm told to like. Got a couple of little oil paintings by some Spanish bloke. Picked 'em up for £90 a few years back from a junk shop - I think they'd been nicked from a country house lookin' at 'em. Had 'em valued last year £3,500 each!!!
Like mainly traditional stuff like that but I do like your stuff. Dunno why. Just makes me smile and I like lookin at it and imagining what I can see.
I know. I'm a heathen!
Wow, what a great story, right out of Antique Roadshow, Four Dins! How lovely you picked up something yu liked, and it turned out to be something of finacial value like that, thats just fun!
Now see, you prefer traditional work? I consider myself a very traditional painter and storyteller. All my paintings have references to things I love in Shakespeare and Plato and astronomy and mythology and science. I paint from the real world how I see it and feel it...and I think I paint inside the human tradition of art making. I was never really that kind of artist who was out there pickling tampons to make sculpture and shock the masses...although I am sure that is a perfectly relevant concept. Heh heh.
I just like to paint what I see and what I feel and think about.
Thanks for the post, Candy. Personally, I don't understand why people buy art for reasons other than passion. That's sort of like getting talked into an arranged marriage. Falling in love is the whole point.
Lisa! Hi there, what a pleasant surprise. I'm buying your book solely because you came by and said hi, and so directly addressed the issue of passion. Look at you YOU ROCK!!!
I hope some of my visitors will check out your book.
Up with ART!!!
I read that Star article, but just couldn't bear to post on it.
I don't know what to say. It sounds like Canadians have too much work and too much fortune.....????
I didn't know you were a millionaire!
And did you used to be lazy and poor?!
And you are now overworked and rich....wow I should have become an artist!
What is the first piece done on? Is it plastic?
Hi Lynn, hee hee, sometimes artists are so weird when they are interviewed. The people in this Toronto Star article cracked me up. What rookies. I mean, what happened to the ditty...."never let them see you sweat" ?
Lynn, the painting details from work in progress posted above are on paper. Sometimes using the flash makes the pictures more stable...so that is just shine from the flash on camera, and the paint is still wet, not plastic. I'll make sure to turn it off when I finish next time.
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