The opening ceremony was a warriors dance honouring veterans and people now servng in the military. What a beautiful ceremony it was, and of course I couldn't help but think of my grandfathers who had both served in WWII, and one of them had served in WWI as well. I used to not really like the look of our Canadian flag: I used to think it was kinda lame, a maple leaf and very simple. Funny, but over the years, since I always travel a lot and being away...it's become dear to my heart. How beautiful in the spirtual realm and in the First Nations there are no borders for the spirit and for the peoples hearts. Being in love with someone from another country brings this home and near and dear as well, as I am sure you can imagine gentle visitor.

We ate some outstanding venison fry bread sandwiches. Oh my god were they good, and filling! No I didn't take a photo, sorry. Stagg and I went to the Pow Wow with Marc and Deana and just had a terrific day enjoying the beautiful celebrations, ceremonies and each others wonderful company. My daughter went to an Ojibway Imersion and First Nations School, so this was like homecoming for me. Thanks to Deana and Marc for an awesome day!!!
Below in photo, is Mike. He is a former marine who was participating in the ceremony honouring vetrans earlier in the day. See his wonderful beaded Marine insignia?

I've always wanted to go to a pow wow but never had the chance. I have done a few sweat lodges, though, and just LOVED them (that's how I got my medicine name, Wandering Coyote). Thanks for posting these pictures - they're really great. I am totally into game meats; I had venison once and enjoyed it, and the other day I had elk at my dad's place - it was so tender and juicy!
Thank you for the beautiful photos - I loved the "blurred" ones - the top two reminded me of your art work as well.
Oh, for some real fry bread! And corn soup.........
I'm 1/4 Amer Indian descent, and have wanted to go to some Pow Wows here in northern Wyoming before going home to FL - but doesn't look like it will happen.
The Princesses are beautiful! The clothing, the artwork (beading) and assembling of dress are wonderful. What a super great weekend you must have had.
I love the "...fighting terrorism" shirt - bought one for the oldest grandson. Again, thanks for all the great photos.
My trusty camera bit the dust - I hope its only the battery. I've ordered one off of EBAY - for Sony Mavica's - hope that's all it is.
Hi Wandering Coyote, I thought it would be easier for you to get venison than me here in Chicago...you're in venison country. Oh that samdwich was so GOOD! You know I usually don't eat bread, but with all the fat and lovely grease it was hardly just carbs anymore!
Dollface I am so pleased you liked the photos and I am so in awe of your native heritage. I've had my hands full the last couple weeks sorry to not be around your blog but I will be makingup lost time!
I like the ones where the lights and colors are blurred into each other. Very cool.
I love the photos - the colours are great.
That looks really cool, but I had to skim the bit about food. It's 7:07 am, and I've been up just over an hour. And I'm starving!
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