A cute conversation between Cormac McCarthy and the Coen Brothers
I'm back from Knoxville just an hour ago...very long bus ride...too tired to blog tonight...pics coming tomorrow...and
...from a fast paced road trip with Stagg, Tuffy P and Mister Anchovy...it's been a hectic couple of weeks with a lot of adventures. The highlight was one of my favourite places in the world, New Orleans...but for now...I must get some sleep and recover from a nasty bus trip...see ya in the morning!
Candy, glad you're home safe. I hear there was some flooding in New Orleans on Monday. We're back at work....but we've already practiced making pralines.
I've posted some pics from the trip over at my place + I have lots more...a few you will want (arm wrestling shot, hotel lobby shot) and I'll email them to you on the weekend.
Bought the Guerrini I told you about. Sheila took a pic, which is posted.
Glad you are home safe. I'm sorry the bus sounds less than adventurous this time. I always hated busses, granted you can see the scenery and not worry about running off the road, but once I woke up with some guy's hand on me under my shirt. Another time some guy was offering me money for, uh, services.
Hmmm - on the other hand invasive hands happen at security checks in airports too - never mind.
Just glad you are back home and all in one piece. Hope you get rested. Sure have missed your blogging. It was such a treat to meet you and Stagg and I wouldn't trade that for anything.
I'm going over and email the photos where you folks can be seen clearly - I was hesitant to post them without your permission - feel free to use them if you wish!
Mister Anchovy, Well done making the pralines recipe already! I had to send Stagg out for groceries and then we grabbed a bite at local spot because I was way too out of it to cook...
I look forward to the pics in e-mail...a couple of them are specifically for my doc so that is so great you were able to get them for me among my camera "challenges" this trip...
Gardenia, you are one rocking chick to drive all thae way to New Orleans to see us...it was such a pleasure meeting you and going to see some music and having cocktails! I can't wait to see your pictures. This bus trip between Knoxville and here was tough because it was delayed by several hours. I find it's not the bus that is taxing...it's the waiting in bus depots that is a drag...when you don't even know how long you're waiting, at least on the bus you can sleep. Anyways it's done and for the most part...I have nothing but good words for the service on "the dog". As for nasty experiences like the ones you describe...I was okay...it helps to sit near the frnt of the bus and be much older than the rambunctious young fellows on the buses...they are too busy flirting with the young ladies on the buses...
Actually, I met some terrific folks the whole way especially on the bus sections of my trip...but that is another post...
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