We are probably going out to get a tree this evening. I haven't decorated a tree in about 4 years...which is really weird for me. I have some decorations from my grandmother...in a storage room in Toronto. Erp.
So...I'm looking around online for cool hand made decoration maquettes and instructions. We have about two dozen tree bobbles. I've made cranberry strings in the past...but I found it to be a bloody pain. Literally, like the needle always goes into my fingers rather than the cranberries.
(could I make a cranberry string with a hot glue gun I wonder?)
You all know my feeling about corn. I only like to eat corn very seldomly and only organic. So no strings of corn for this holiday tree.
I also want to find a Menorah...I looked around online and found some interesting ones. I'd like to get a 60's era modern silver Menorah.

So far, the best handmade ornaments are...yep...Martha Stewarts. She has ideas for making so mnany decorations out of recycled materials it's actually pretty amazing. Office supplies, old holiday chards cut and reclaimed. Below is a tree decorated with cotton balls!

Handmade decorations on Martha Stewart.

Art Deco Menorah.
Here are some cool Menorah designs on the following websites:
-This is a beautiful olive branch Menorah.
-This blog has some awesome contemporary designed Menorahs!
-Here is a site with whimsical Menorahs

Any tree ornament ideas? Any recipes you HAVE to have during the holidays?
Stagg's parents are coming for supper on Dec. 24th...ambulance!
We like to use various holiday occasions as an excuse to make some traditional foods. For your readers who don't know, my parents were Polish (my mom was born there), and Sheila is Irish/Ukrainian.
We make pierogi at Christmas and usually I make patychky, or meat sticks as we called them when I was a kid. If I can find a day to do it, I'll make a big batch of cabbage rolls (and a batch of veggie cabbage rolls as well for those who don't want to eat meat).
If anyone is interested in those recipes, I've posted them before over at my place and readers can find them by using the search function.
We put up a little fake tree each year and usually Tuffy P decorates it. The cats like to play under there!
I've had lots of different trees - my favorites were the green real ones smelling of the forest, even if it was only an illusionary farm raised tree. One time we sprayed all kinds of nuts and found dried weeds gold and silver and decorated the tree with those and pomegranites and oranges with cloves. Smelled so good. Another time I glue seashells to hooks, and hung huge sand dollars from ribbons. Another time I used exclusively ornaments bought to me from other countries by missionaries. Another year I was entranced by the cotton fields in the area - and yes, hung the tree with cotton balls. Another time I found a huge tumble weed, sprayed it silver and hung it with red balls and that was the "tree." Western style.
No traditional food - usually a ham for sure for the kids and oyster stew for me and anything between - one year I made a white cake with white frosting smothered in coconut and trimmed with sugared rosemary and cranberries. 'Twas pretty.
Anyway, go with what you're "feeling it" this year - - I bet it would be a really cool decoration theme to use live greens and your art - cards, etc....colorful, uniquely yours & Stagg's - a "unity" tree to celebrate your year of marriage.
This year I want to make things for gifts -but have not started early enough.
We have a gingerbread house to build, gingerbread people to make. We'll see if we get them done as well.
But yeh - isn't it fun to be "in the mood!"
The stained glass mennorah - good gosh - it's late I can't spell it - is gorgeous! I have one that we bought from a Christian bookstore - but I think it came from Israel. Wouldn't it be fun to make one? I love the Jewish traditions - - so meaningful. Here, Kwanza is also in full swing, and one year we enjoyed going to a presenation of what Kwanza is and what it means. This year I am looking for that one special event to take Grandson to - year before last it was a rather good local production of "The Nutcracker" - - - oh, I ramble - just LOVE Christmas - and so many possibilities to be creative in that.....
Mr. a...peroigies are a very good idea! After all the Stagg's are czech and polish american so that is a good appetizer, thanks! There will be cabbage...but in a slaw.
Gardenia, I thought the stained glass menorah was cool because it was such a good representing of judeo-christian. I usually always make gifts this time of year.But I've been stumped, plus mailing some of ideas are too fragile for post. Your tumbleweed decoration sounds so great. Amazing we can spray anything with silver and gold and it becomes festive!
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