Friday, March 30, 2012

Guest Room

Last week the magnolia tree really blossomed and then shed. So pretty! We were busy this morning anticipating using the back yard this summer to its fullest. We bought a small fire pit. Our friend Tony and Brooke have a fire pit and we went to a party in their back yard a couple years ago and have been wanting to get one ourselves since. So...this morning I met Stagg when he got off work at 8 a.m. (yeah, I know ouch, poor guy xxxooo). And we got some curtain rods and a fire pit. I had found some sari fabric at the second hand store...and when I got home I realized it had already been sewn for windows whoo hoo! And they fit perfectly on the front room here at Grandmas. We just spent the next hour or so at home trying to hang these bloody curtain rods without breaking the windows. Neither of us are super handy Okay, well I am medium handy....but Stagg is not so handy...but we managed. He is strong so that helps because the wood was hard as a rock. I landed up splitting the wood on the window frames but lets just say it looks distressed. Shabby chic with the beige roses wallpaper. Yes, I could take down the wallpaper but too many other things to do for now. Like a fire pit party!

Found this cute toy for kids about money. Its like a jigsaw puzzle you can pull out the money and put it back into the spaces. Then hung the "cost of living" painting done by Stagg. Didn't realize I had a money theme going. His painting is from 2006. Some of the grey on it from the's one of the few artworks that mde it because it was on the farthest away room.

This is one of my paintings and can't remember the title right now....I made it in 2007.


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