2)Found this article at The Chronicle of Wasted Time blog. Is America ready for this man? The article says he needs to prove his leadership skills. The thing is, if any Democrat took a stand and got off the fence, they would have a sweep of popularity. They just have to man up.
3)The playlist at cool woman Heavy Mentalist makes me daydream today....I have it on while I am writing today...good mix, check it out! Cherryl is a fascinating thinker say hi!
4)I am anxious to buy Al Pacino's three dvd set. There is an esoteric film of an odd strange British play I've only read. I have been coveting seeing Pacino's secret version for almost 15 years. The nimble fox just dropped it finally now. I watched him on the Actor's Studio the other day and it was really cool. I have seen the movie Scarface, maybe a hundred times. Haven't seen it in about ten years. It's reissued on dvd. I think I need it.
5)My stuff for sale on eBay is keeping me busy checking on it's stats of visitors. I've never sold anything yet. But it's fun thinking about it being out there...
6)In the background on the news I think I heard Oprah and Bono are downtown shopping. I should be with them saving the world! Or at least let's go for a Guinness together...
7)Does it matter if we die from a supernova, a natural extinction level event or from complete utter resource and environmental breakdown from human occurance?
8)Thinking about this painting. Is it finished? Is it finished? We say YES! This is a floorcloth...so we're displaying it on the ground at art festival this weekend.

9) This painting shown above, is 10'x7'. We don't drive. Now, the outdoor art festival we are showing this at is only about 20 minutes away to walk. Guess what? We remembered we saw a shopping cart under the El train the other day. Yep, we have it down in the basement right now. We are loading the rolled floorpiece, four easels and four smaller paintings into the shopping cart and dragging it (because the front two wheels are stripped) 20 mitues away. We are so ghetto.
10) I am in the middle of reading two books. Heat by Bill Bufford and To The Nines by Janet Evanovich.
11) I want a cigarette so badly today. I won't I won't!
12) Really impressed my sister is getting photos and several posts on her blog. She's got too little boys and is super busy, but her blog makes me feel like I'm hanging out with her.
13) It's true, I just saw the news story. Bono and Oprah are downtown shopping! Right now! I'm going crazy thinking about it. They are promoting the "red" program, raising money for medical treatment for AIDS patients in Africa. I feel very left out. In fact, I think I'm pouting. I LOVE YOU BONO!!!
Thursday Thirteen is a bunch of people getting to know each other in a specific format through a blogging exercise and linked network.
don't smoke! Don't do it! :)
do you like To The Nines? I love her books. :)
Good luck with your eBay auctions!!
Don't give in to smoking!
Have a great Thursday!!
No cigarettes! Cats find them offensive. Now isn't that a reason NOT to smoke?
Oooh, To the Nines. Fun stuff.
Good luck with the auctions and the art festival. I'm cracking up about the shopping cart. :)
Good luck with the auction but I was shocked to see the book was $350!!! Is that right?
And, wooooo hoooo! I was your first link on your Thursday Thirteen! Yee haw. Thanks babe, or rather you saucy minx!
I'm cracking up at the shopping cart, too.....love the painting!!
I bought Heat by Bill Bufford but I'll be damned if I can find where I put it!
I hope you do a review of Heat when you're done. I'm very curious. You can't beat Janet Evanovitch for the sometimes necessary fluff factor; I really enjoyed her when I read her.
Hey WC, Tuffy and I both really enjoyed Heat. In part it's about the business of running a restaurant and cooking, but along the way our hero Bill falls in love with food. He just wrote an interesting article in the New Yorker as well, about kitchen porn - the business of the food network and how chefs are being pushed out in favour of personalities that can be fed more easily through the money machine, like Rachel Ray. Excellent article.
Absolutely, don't smoke. It's OK to think about, but not OK to do. :)
So, her husband doesn't know about the blog? Wow. I couldn't keep a new pair of socks a secret from my ex.
happy TT!
thanks for visiting my blog!
Good luck with the smoking thing. Bad habit; you're better off without it.
Checking eBay progress is compulsive, isn't it?
Very interesting list. Good luck on E-bay, your art is worth it. It's really vibrant.
Thanks for visiting my TT!
Yea!!!, thanks for stopping by folks and putting up with a long winded post yet again. Next week i swear I'm going to limit myself to 30 words....
Bono was sleeping in chicago last night...sigh.....
If we're lucky he won't wake up. Anyroad how do you know he's sleeping with them daft glasses on. Apparently he's up for a Nobel with Bob Geldof. Rumour is they'll share it if they agree to stop singing!
Vibrant? Yeah. Good word. Not quite what I'd call your art. It's brilliant but I can't think of the right word. Vibrant'll do for now. Remember me when yer famous n rich won't yer?!
Fascinating. That's it. I find it fascinating. I keep staring at it like a hypnosis thing. Never mind. I'm just a bit weird I suppose. Never stop babe.
Ditto with all the wonderful comments here, Candy.
Four Dinners, you are hilarious!
I hope Oprah and Bono go shopping again and see Stagg and you dragging a shopping cart and they stop and buy all of your art and then ask you to be on the show.....
Wow, Healing Room, that's a great image. I didn't see the irony of that and that's quite funny.
thanks 4Dins!
Well, we have everything ready to go for tomorrow and I am looking forward to hanging outside in a parklike environment. The sun has come out, and the forecast for the weekend is sunny and windy. Sweet!
You're sister's blog is cute - the cakes look soooo delicious. I can't believe her hub doesn't know! My bf would have been really upset if I hadn't told him when I started blogging.
I think this is the most eclectic bunch of thoughts I have ever been privi to.
This is my second visit to your sister's blog.
I gotta say.
The stuff looks so good I am afraid to go there every day.
I can feel fat growing on my body as I read.
I paint the backdrops for my portraits, sometimes I don't know where to end.
Yo, Miss Candy. I didn't realize you were trying to stop smoking. I'm a little late commenting, but I still hope you didn't give in to temptation! Hang in there, girl... go for a jog, have some cabbage, chew on your cat's tail... but you must resist the evil lure of the evil tobacco!!!
Your sis's husband doesn't know she blogs? How does she keep it from him?! I would have blurted it out after the first post!
I read the review of the book by Paul Berman and ordered it. I've been fascinated with Europe since visiting Albania, Macedonia, & Austria. Thanks for "turning me on" to the book.
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