Cupid Chastised...Happy Singles Appreciation Day!!!!

Stagg and I went to an excellent evening at the Art Institute of Chicago, that not only included photography and a
great set of films by
Gulnara Kasmalieva and Muratbek Djumaliev we heard a lecture by a real life Indianna Jones...and we met a blogmate! Edward Winkleman was in Chicago for the opening of two of his artists in
The New Silk Road exhibition. It was a crazy cold night, but the photography and video installlations were awesome, very compelling. Check out the highlighted texts to get an impression. A real treat was to meet
Edward Winkleman whose blog I intensely enjoy...he and his partner, Bambino, are the first bloggers I've met face to face since blogging. I admire Edwards ideas and enthusiasm so much, and it was really good to see his face and to have his charming personality confirmed in the real world. It was a kind of fun feeling...actually I was completely thrilled. Sorry about this scattered post, I'm just all over the place tonight and super tired. I really intended on writing about the real life Indianna Jones, deep sea salvager...but not only am I tired, I can't find his name or the notes I took.
how very surreal! i have just posted a piece of classic art, then i find this here!
p.s. not sure if you know about this site, but i have been pouring over it for a while today, and it seems endless!
Great website, Cappy, thanks!
How cool and exciting that you got to meet a fellow blogger! And welcome back to the Windy City (does anybody really call Chicago that?!?). We missed you lots. Hope things in Canada went as well as can be expected in the circumstances. And I also hope you and the Stagg-man had a great evening out yesterday! * cooked vegetarian strogonoff for me, and it was da bomb!
Oh hi Red...didn't see you here at first.
Yes, it was really cool to meet a fellow blogger. Very different! I was like staring at the poor guy, he seemd magical ha ha thats how real!
Yes, we had a wonderful evening last shopping, it was needed. I am still recovering from some major bullshit in wouldn't believe. I feel liek I got too close to the darkness of the human spirit...but I also had some fun days too...enjoying all the snow and getting out for some wild physical activity which blew away the cobwebs!
We stopped for a bite to eat and a glass of wine last night and then hauled the groceries home ina back pack...the snow was pretty deep last night...and slushy as fuck today.
I've got Survivor almost on it's way to you guys!!!!
My God Candy!!
You get more and more beautiful every year.
You are a true inspiration.
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