A still
No Country For Old Men based on a novel by Cormac McCarthy.
filming in Mexico and Texas.
Set in West Texas in 1980,
the story is about a young Vietnam vet who stumbles over the remnants of a drug deal gone bad. He's hunted by two extremely vicious assassins who want the money back.

Rodger Boyce as Sheriff Giddens and Tommy Lee Jones as Sheriff Bell. Josh Brolin is playing Moss the Vietnam vet who finds the drug cartels massacre and money...and Javier Bardem is play Anton Chigurh. Should be fun!

This movie directed and produced by the Coen Bros premieres
May in Cannes.
I think this film will be excellent, even though, as you know, I didn't find the book that memorable.
Sounds fun - the terrain sure looks like WYO to me....
I haven't read the book, but any movie that has Tommy Lee Jones....that I will probably like!!!
Thanks for stopping by my space. Things have been so hectic and it's nice to hear some encouragement. I will be back!!!
Thanks for posting this. As you know, I'm a huge TLJ fan, so I'll be sure to watch out for this.
No st the Coens!! super cool!
Can't stand that you knew this first!
I am the young and hip one after all.
Gidget says...
No Country for Old Men....I need to vent.ERRRGHHH!!! Not even the violence was an issue. Your post helped me resolve my disappointment. At least I have a beautiful vision around the nature in the book..thats it. I could have swallowed the soulful wrap up, however I was left with the stark feeling that I was taken on a journey to discover my potential for deep love and then I stumbled into the room to see Cormac Mccarthy making love to someone else while making eye contact with me. Of course I feel a crazy mix of fascination and anger. Perhaps the movie will resolve it for me. I am suspect that the movie will be rather like continuing to hunt down the object of your passion for the evidence that you've been betrayed.
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