We got a little welcome mat the other day and it's funny how cheerful a little thing can make a front door. Stagg and i had a funny day running errrands a few days ago. We spent crazy time discussing everything in grocery stores and shops. We looked at a bunch of welcome mats, and I liked this one. Stagg said, "It looks like the Brady Bunch." And I said "Sold!"

I've had a couple of "real life" conversations about my little project here on the blog of researching about the suburbs and getting to know a little bit about the history of this neighbourhood. When I was talking with a couple friends who had been following these recent blog posts...they said "Candy, you're living the American Dream". And I said, "okay, it's not so bad". For me the American Dream has always been associated with movies like Strozek, American Beauty and the novel Blood Meridian. You know the really nice part is the cmfort and sense of space. Like I said earlier...I really like being able to go outside in the backyard and spray paint. Which I took the frame off a factory painting a few days ago and spray painted flourescent pink. When we got the welcome mat, Stagg picked out the pink spray paint for this painting.

I hung up some paintings that survived...a couple of Stagg's. Tuffy P's painting got some pretty serious smoke damage and the colours below of white, red and blue are very dulled down. I have cleaned the painting a couple of times, but so far this is the best I've been able to do. It felt so good to hang up some familiar art work around the place. When Tricia came over...she couldn't believe it was the same house she had been in, in January!

I moved the kitchen table into the main front room, right by this large window. I love this window and this tree. I feel like I am back in Vancouver when I sit here and have my cup of tea in the morning and watch Regis and Kelly.

So we are getting there...we have a temporary place to paint. I am constructung a kind of makeshift "butchers block" and work area in the kitchen and with the new paint job, it feels more and more comfy and homey.
p.s. sorry the pics are so small. these are from my phone and I haven't figured out how to upload them with regular options yet. oh I will...
LOL The American Dream !
Can't wait to see the transformation progress!
Hi Candy, just checking in on you to make sure you're alive and well. Where are you living? It looks cute!
Is the American Dream ready for Candy Minx?
Love the window view too. Glad to see you getting fixed up. Love Mister Anchovy's comment :) There's a title for a painting in that - "The American Dream in Colour" By Candy Minx!
Jason, I've been washing off the bedroom set to get Ot prepared for painting! Thanks for your great idea in choice of collie.
Lee, wonderful to hear from you. I hope to be near your place in two weeks. I hope we can grab a coffee.
Mister a, one of your paintings is up too only I didn't get a close shot of it.
Tuffy p. That window is awesome it's a huge e ergreen tree.
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