From The Rink
To many boys living in Canada, playing hockey is a much a part of life as attending school, because to Canadians hockey is more than just a game-it's an institution.
One of these boys who carried skates as well a schoolbooks was Bill L'Heireux. Raised in Port Arthur, Ontario, Bill learned his early playing skills by participating in pee-wee, bantam, midget, and high school hockey. At the same time, he "hit the books" hard enought o earn a college scholarship at the age of sixteen.
While attending Assumption College at Windsor, Ontario, Bill played Junior "B" and later Senior hockey with the Windsor team in the Michigan-Ontario League. After graduation from college at the age of nineteen, Bill had to decide whether to accept or refuse one of three offers to join a National Hockey League club. After much thought, he refused them all in favor of a teaching career in physical education, for in this feild he could combine his keen interest in sports with his desire to work with boys in athletics.
Hockey is for boys indeed. The sibling rivalry between myself and my hockey star older teenaged brother was friggin insane. (Mommy always loved him more.) The first time the Canadian Women's hockey team won gold, I went totally berserk because this sports drama was really about me and my brother.
(To his credit, in his office, he has a large framed photograph of his 13 year old daughter, fully equipped and snarling and on the ice.)
tell me about it. Institution might be an understatement up here. My Dad was the youngest of 8 brothers, they all played hockey. I work in a law firm where one of the lawyers is a former NHLer, and still plays. I live in a City where the local OHL team is a bigger icon than the Maple Leafs (the nearest NHL team).
No need to explain that to me. :) Cool find though, I love old books.
i used to play roller hockey on the city concrete.
As an umpteen-generation Canadian, being a nine-thirteen year-old boy in the 70's, it was a right of passage to be woken up at an ungodly hour on weekend mornings, have your parents strap you into your "armour", grab your skates and make your way to the rink to be placed on the ice with twenty other half-asleep kids and told to "hustle".
As an adult with not but stepdaughters, I did try to convince the youngest to try out... but no...
No Hailey Wickenheiser in this family...
Perhaps "Hockey is for Boys", but really, I do see a change... and was proud that I played on a house team in my third year "on the rink" with the second girl who broke into the "boys" hockey teams in Toronto., ball-hockey, field-hockey, table-hockey, kitchen-hockey....hockeyockeyockeyockeyockeyockeoc.
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