If you are a visitor regarding the Oprah Cormac interview and you want me to hook you up, you need to leave me a message in the comments.
Don't be shy :)

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hey candy. what is it that you have that you can hook me up with? a transcript? i like that you dedicated two posts to the blood meridian epilogue. i wanted to comment but i don't got the time right now. here's a brief poem:
The fat cat spat
And hissed until I kissed
Her padded paw
And then she purred
Like the rhyming of a word
And that was all
rock on
Hi Candy,
Could you send me a copy of the transcripts to: murdinaw@hotmail.com
Thanks so much
Hi Mike, thanks for the poem!
anonymous...it's on it's way!
send me a transcript: toadvine666@gmail.com
Candy- would you be so kind as to send a transcripto to johndaum@hotmail.com?
Yer a daisy if ya do...
Longtime reader of your wonderful comments on the Forum. Thanks for being a peace-keeper. Could you forward me a copy of the CM/Oprah Transcript? joel_causey16@hotmail.com
Billy Parham would have loved you!
Would you send a copy of the transcript to nick.tabor@gmail.com?
Thank you.
Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
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