1) Taking only three months growing time, one acre of cabbage will yield more edible vegetables than any other plant.
2) The English word cabbage comes from the french word, referring to head.
3) In 200 BC people believed in eating plenty of raw cabbage before a banquet in which one plans to drink deep.

4) President George H.W. Bush was known to dislike broccoli. In protest a powerful broccoli lobby sent several tons to the White House. It was donatedto a local food bank.

5) The cabbage family includes broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and collards.
6) Albert "Cubby" Broccoli was the producer of James Bond films. His daughter Barbara Broccoli produced the Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig Bonds.

7) Awesome source of iron, vitamin C, fiber, calcium and potassium.
8) Egyptians advised starting with raw cabbage to keep sober
9) Cabbage Soup Diet I've never tried it. I do love borscht though.

10)Heirloom Cabbage Seeds onsale, on-line. Heirllom plants are important for diversity. The reason for the Potato Famine was that Ireland had a favourite potato and stopped growing all it's other kinds of potatoes. So when a disease hit that beloeved potato, they didn't have any other potatos that may have resisited the disease.

11)Good worts! good cabbage. Slender, I broke your head: what matter have you against me? Falstaff in Merry Wives of Windsor.
12) Cabbage has been cultivated from the wild for over 4000 years. It's likely homosapiens have been eating it even longer. Among natural healers, cabbage is believed to inhibit tumor growth, and prevent several cancers including colon, breast and ovary cancer.
13) I make a cauliflower salad just like a potato salad recipe but instead of potatoes, cabbage. Not fattening like potatoes! Tastes just as good...actually now potato salad tastes bland. I eat some member of the cabbage family, every day.
The cabbage family is one of my favourites but its members only seem to taste good when other people make it... care to share this cauliflower salad recipe?
I love cabbage, I love broccoli and brussel sprouts. Heck I love all vegetables, but now I am hungry for cabbage rolls. DRAT, my lunch is two hours away!!! AAAAHHH.
I love cabbage, and I love broccoli too. Your pics look even YUMMIER though!! You should definitely share recipes! =)
Only you could come up with 13 fascinating facts about cabbage, Candy!
And I might just have the 14! Isn't there an area in Toronto called Cabbagetown? If my sources are correct (and I'm sure you know this better than me), the names comes from the cabbage the Irish immigrants planted in their front yards -- in an attempt to stay well clear of potatoes, after the famine in the old country.
Oooh, I'd love that cauliflower salad recipe if you'd like to share!
I love cabbage with corn beef (it's the maritimer in me). I've also tried the Cabbage Soup Diet. It didn't work so well for me, but the soup was good.
I love the idea of cauliflower salad. It makes me think of substituting cauliflower for potatoes in all sorts of things. I love experimenting.
Fortunately, we all like the various members of the cabbage family, so maybe my guys won't be too upset about this latest experimentation phase. :)
Oops having trouble tell ya what? I'll post the cauliflower recipe tomorrow okay?
And Red, yes, you got the cabbaget town story jsut right! It's agorgeous neighbourhood...near Boys town...and we used to go to halloween around there...
I love brussel sprouts! I also tried the Cabbage Soup diet, and loved it. (Mostly because I love soup, and eating it all day is a treat for me!)
I'm hungry.
Happy TT!
Would love your recipe for cabbage salad as listed in your number 13. I've tried the cabbage soup diet - didn't work for me and I gave myself heartburn.
Thanks for stopping by - have a great weekend.
I love cabbage! Thanks for visiting my TT and for the tips!
There is a "powerful" broccoli lobby in the US? Geez...
I love cabbage all its rellies. I had a friend who used cabbage to soothe her breasts after breast feeding. Her male GP recommended it and she said it worked great!
I love cabbage, including broccoli, kale and brussel sprouts. I knew they were healthy but i didn't know all of that.
i love how i learn something new every time i visit you.
my tt was 12 addlepated moments
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