At about the same time as I started this blog, I had made a website on "mac.com". This photo is what it's front page looked like...and right now, I have some ideas of doing a little tidying up and renovation work here at this blog...and I thought of these collages I had made for the "test run" website. Blogs are way more fun than a website...but I like thse pics. So I am throwing ideas around with a blogdesigner
Goofy Girl and thought I'd see if my pals and visitors had any opinion of how I could tidy this blog up? One idea we are having is three margins instead of two...using this collage above as a header in some fashion, obviously making the photos horizontal rather than vertically aligned..and maybe some "tags" (I don't even know what a tag is...so see, I need experienced feedback...I am a techno peasant...) What would make this blog more comfortable to read or visit I wonder? You'll have to click on the photo above to be able to see clearly my first website design. A couple of weeks ago...I put my blog rolls into little boxes...I am not sure if I like that idea or not...but it definately is tidier...
Hi Candy,
Expect 2 CDs with the tools you were looking for in about 3 days. Please keep the originals in case they are needed.
Sometimes your blog loads very slow. I'm not sure why that is, but if you do changes, maybe try to figure that out. I find the boxed blogrolls are harder for me to read than the way you had it before. Since you often make long posts, you might consider making your font a little smaller for the main body, or else consider setting up your posts somehow so you can have a short intro with a link to a longer post. Or, perhaps consider a wider main panel and a narrower margin. Have fun!
Okay. Sounds good. I've been trying to figure out Skype...but no is home so I can call them...do you have skype?
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