Once seated, jurors -- to be identified only by court-issued numbers -- will hear allegations against aging defendants accused of a racketeering conspiracy that included at least 18 murders. Among the victims is a man who inspired a character in the movie "Casino."NBC.
"Regretfully, greed is such a part of our culture that you're always going to have a criminal element, and it will organize. This [trial] will hurt the mob but it won't end it."
Gus Russo, author of "The Outfit
I swear to god listening to the news the journalists say things like "bumped off" "the outfit" "the Clown" "porn store payoffs".
The Chicago Syndicate Blog.
and I thought all these years Stagg was making up those stories.....
the guy in the middle looks like Tommy Chong
Mr.A me too, I thought he was exagerating or something. Today you just can't make up. The entire street was flooded from 2 hours of rain, I went out to run some errands and the landlord had every possible hose and sprinkler running in the worst rain storm I've ever seen...cars were flooded over their bumpers in front of the apartment and the back alley had road rage because every body had pulled off the Dan Ryan and decided to use this alley as a thouroughfare...I switched n local news to see if my landlord was being arrested for wasting water...and there was an hour of journalists talking about whacking, bumping off...they didn't even say "allegedly murdered" it was "so&so bumped him off"/
Shad....I thought the guy in the middle looked strangely like Saddam Hussein. I believe he is the person that De Niro portrayed in Casino...but I'm not sure...I don't know nuthin. Capiche?
Sounds like the 30's or something there! Or the movies! Candy, what a scary day - I probably would have drawn the conclusion that "Saddam" had done an act of terrorism!
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