I am taking a summer break.
It's just a break...I need to do some travelling and I don't have a lap top, so posting while on the road is not going to be easy. Plus...I feel I need to rejuvenate my perspective.
Since not blogging last week...I read three books! So I need to refresh and reload.
What is very funny...is that I felt I had nothing to write about and immediately I have received e-mails and phone conversations of people giving me ideas! How wonderful! And several e-mails hoping I was not quitting blogging. No I am not quitting...just on summer holidays. Thanks for your e-mails and interest in this blog, I hope by taking time to refresh and research I will find all kinds of ways to surprise you!
It's occurred to me that visitors will want me to post some pics as Stagg and I are on a road trip this summer at end of July. So I will try to find internet cafes...
In the meantime I am researching and writing...a script...and ideas for this blog. I have lots of surprises in mind...and am already well on my way to new "aha moments" and inspirations.
Here are some upcoming topics and themes: (for the naturally curious and A-type folks...click on the yellow text for more info)
-Medical intuitives and psychic healing
-public transportation
- the rebirth of trains
-recycling garbage under your own house
-deep sea animals who live on caustic acid and carbon dioxide from inside the earth (can we find a new source of power by studying these animals? a new way to power vehicles?)
-New York City
-Miami Beach and the Florida everglades
- simple living lifestyle options for voluntary simplicity and the arctic research station
-Las Vegas
-Bootsy Collins
-new weird america (psychedelic folk music revival of the mid-2000's)
-post rock (Stagg kind of plays post rock...to get you started, think using rock instruments to play instrumental sounds)
-stretching and yoga. I've always done yoga...but recently I have added several new "classic" stretching exercises to my day...these neck exercises have been revolutional!
-art critics: I never thought I would appreciate an article by Jed Perl. I have thought this art critic was the most cynical person talking about pop culture in a long time...but it turns out maybe he and I just have different tastes in what we like...he has used some art I like to try to explain his position...(I think he has made a few mistakes with the examples he used like Lisa Yuskavage)...but he wrote an awesome article recently. If you hate art or love art...you should read this article by Jed Perl. What I have in the past called "punchline art" he calls "visual stunts".
I happen to like Jeff Koons and so disagree with Perl except...that Perl is correct. I think Koons manages to both be a major superficial product manager AND an artist at he same time heh heh...but aside from Koons...I think Jed Perl is right on. Here is a post I wrote a while ago...related: called "I Blame The Artist" click here...

An alternative to cars? Human Powered Vehicles...

Green Mall...a real place why not design for urban farming...in Japan...and Seattle mock up for urban farms...

-Rain Barrel Guide I grew up using rain barrels and I love them...and don't understand why every home owner doesn't have them...let's investigate...
-Green Culture
-Human Powered Vehicles

Why don't you have a rain barrel?
Hey I know most of my friend that had my hot mail address got an e-mail from me saying I was stranded in Malaysia. I am not stranded.I am home in WI... I just wanted you to know this. I have contacted Microsoft to tell them of my problem but they cant really help me so I have switched my e-mail address to the one in my profile now. its nbrtweety at gmail dot com.
Tweetey...you need a rain barrel!
I did get the crazy email but knew it was a fake right away. No worries.
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