Friday, July 16, 2010


It's almost impossible to find a photo of my parents without a drink in their hands. Actually, I wish I had all my photo albums here because there are a lot of old photos I'd like to post here on my blog. My photo albums are all in Toronto in storage along with odds and ends. I just happened to get this photo in my traveling address book I brought with to show Stagg's parents some of my family photos like my daughter when I came to visit one time. This photo is my parents and grandmother, taken by my grandfather way back when. I think they are at a Legion or MESS where they all loved to hang out as they were always living on military bases. My dad seems to be smoking a pipe and I can just see in my mum's face she looking at what a ham he is. I think they are still Newlyweds at this point. Weird to see them look so happy around each other.

I've got some kind of weird glitch on my blog...I can't get to my blog from just disappears and I've had trouble posting some things. and I have no idea how to fix this glitch. It's aslo so bloody hot and we don't have ac so it's difficult to spend any time on the computer as it's directly in the sun and hottest room all day. this morning the weather has broken for a little bit and it's nice to catch up on blogs friends and surf around a little...I am basically useless in this heat.


Beej said...

They sure were a handsome couple.

Janet said...

love these older photos! Hope you've cooled off some...

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