Of course the cats and dogs always go to sit with Stagg because they know he's allergic. Hey, this is little Hawkeye, now two and a half years old. I just uploaded some more random photos from our trip north so I might post a few here and there.
We've had a pretty good week. I made a few paintings even and worked on my film script. I got an app on my iPhone for scriptwriting. I mean how delightful is that. And it connects with a desktop program of the same app. It's a bit weird writing in minature but its a great app for storing dialogue that comes to mind. I have found that I have a lot of dialogue popping into my head in the last few weeks and it feels good to have those juices flowing.
We can't really busk right now as the weather is nasty. Lots of snow since we returned last week, and this week, freezing rain. But my friend Jenny is hosting an evening of acousitc music at a coffee shop this coming Saturday in order for Stagg and I to have a venue to show some art work and perhaps sell a few paintings. We also think Andy and Tricia are heading into town this weekend to pitch in with the party and visit. Tricia is in Las Vegas right now and I'm picking her up at the airport on the weekend. We cleared out some rooms at grandmas (the spare bedrooms had all kinds of storage) and so we've got a rather comfortable situation for hosting right now.
I can't think of much else right now...thats about it for today. Will post some pics here and there...
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