Andy arrived on Thursday night around 9 p.m. and we had some pizza and a couple cocktails and started catching up on news and whats been going on with all three of us. Andy and I are reading the sdame book for our bookclub. (I read this one when it first came out, but I wanted to return to it and have a discussion). On Friday we did a lot of running around. We were actually so busy I didn't have time to get to the blog and post anything or etc because we had a a lot to do. On Friday we got Andy some gift certificates for a wedding he is going to. We got tarot cards...Andy gave Stagg a set and Stagg gave Andy a set. Obviously Stagg lost his tarot cards sets which he had been studying for the last few years. Now they both have a lovely new set and book.

On Friday night we got back to grandmas house and made some supper and thought "What shall we do tononight?" Well...we thought lets play cards or a game so we started rummaging around the basement fdor board games or decks of cards. We also found some old booze down there and brought up a few bottles. The labels are old-fashioned but the Canadian Club, the Brandy, the Gin was all perfectly fine for consumption. We found Polish Vodka and Krupnik! We skipped the Krupnik (long story). Stagg came up from the basement with this strange looking board insisting it was a fun game and he used to play. I was quite surprised Stagg played a game bnecause he doesn't have much card or board game history. And what was this odd looking contraption? It's on thetable in the photos below. Stagg tried to explain but I was like, no way those pegs work like that...it makes no snese. So we googled the description of what the game looked like...and we tracked it down!

We also started digging through grandmas record collection! What a fun thing to do. And we played the records we found on the old console stereo. So we had a very retro style night indeed.

Okay so we finally agreed on trying this game.
Clapper". It turned out to be kind of fun. It seems to have been invented in 1963 and was originally also called "Trick Track". It's a little like a poor mans backgammon.

You guys always look like you're having SO much fun!
Ha! My parents had that Herb Albert album when I was a kid!
Tiff yep I class krupnik with the "green shit"=chartrise
Janet we try... Every day is an adventure!
Karen, I know that is a classic. At the time kids went nits over the saucy cover.
Yep, Krupnik is indeed in the same league as The Dreaded Green Shit....I think the last person I drank some of that with was my dad....pass the bottle and let's take a closer look through that record collection. Li'l Wally. Dances of Poland. Herb Alpert. There's a lot of awesomeness there.
Yeah Mister Anchovy,some fun records there...the Frank Sinatra is really good too. Did you get a picture of one of the albums in your email? I tried to send it through my iPhone...don't know if it worked...it was Chicago Polka Bands...
'60s and '70s games are awesome!! A friend and I used to play a boardgame called Careers, which was somewhat like Life only clearly aimed at girls. You could basically only be a secretary, travel agent, or a couple other things that weren't very exciting.
Games + sweet vintage albums + vodka sounds like a winner combo to me.
Frank Sinatra and dice. It was like Vegas in the burbs :)
- D
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