Sean is fundraising for Diabetes Awareness. He is also on a program to lose 250 pounds and raise at least $50,000 for a Diabetes Foundation. I am painting his portrait. I started this painting in Chicago about 2 months ago, and brought it with me while I am in Canada visiting friends and family. I taped a bunch of plastic on the wall and made a little mini-studio. I hope this painting will do better than Kawasaki Krump but I haven't given up on that though! No way! I'd like to sell this painting and give half the money to Sean's Diabetes charity, and then Stagg and I go out and visit Sean in person! Well, we'll see.

Here are some of the paints and I'm using a yogurt lid for a palette.That's my favourite cup. It says, A deer hunter will do anything for a buck. I've hauled this cup with me all over the continent. It makes an awesome cup of tea, one bag and it's a huge serving and keeps it super hot.

Adding lots of orange on top of blue, some orange circles pink background, old photos from a LIFE magazine, some vegetables and old paintigns collaged into the background. Add some black outlining the red in upper right hand corner.

Howdy Candy! Just unlurking myself as well- I"ve popped by before via WC and wanted to out myself- I really enjoy your work and have followed along through WC's comments and your own blog. Thanks for popping by mine- I"ll stay in touch.
Oh great meet you and thanks for saying hi! yep, let's stay in touch. I am really glad Coyote did the 20 comments!
I LIKE it!!!!!!!!!!!!! - the color, the composition, the fun...oh I wish I could loosen up - when & if I get studio - will try - you inspire me
Hey CM popped in from WC's 20 Comments tag (have visited before because of your wisdom at that blog). Just got diagnosed as prediabetic so this post caught my eye.
AND YOU LIVE IN TORONTO!!!! Kewl!!! One of my fave cities. Used to live in Whitby but spent 99.9% of time in Toronto (well, at the Metro Zoo really)--this was in late 1970s.
How incredibly colorful....hope Sean makes his goal. Know how hard weight loss is (was anorexic twice. This time, on antidepressants, is harder I think). Hope BOTH of you reach your goals....ND
Wow! Look at that! I love the colors and that really captures me well! Can't wait to see what else you do with it! Thanks so much for all your support!
Also thanks Nancy! I wish you the best of health and make sure you follow up regularly with your dr on your pre-diabetic condition and remember you can reverse it and it can be controlled until you do! Just listen to your Dr!
Don't forget the protein powder shakes, maybe you could whip something up in blue berry and pour it around the edges?
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