Um, you're just going to have to wait for the video.

This is Peter Pan and Tinkerbell...some cool folks we met in the park the other morning when we went to make a video of Mister Anchovy playing acordion. I hope they stop by here to say hello and leave a comment...

Kensington Market is one of my favourite places in town...

7:30 a.m. wake up. 10:30 meet Mister Anchovy in Kensington Market...a little of which seen in these two photos...I was filming and kept forgetting to take still shots...sorry!

Ever have one of those marvelous days? A day if you woke up and planned it, you'd say no I won't be able to do all that? Such a day began meeting
Mister Anchovy in Kensington Market to take some footage of him busking...oops, I hardly took any still photos, sorry folks...but we had some amazing situations and I hope I got some good footage...WHICH...as soon as I have some time and computer...I will load into YouTube...in the meantime here is a bit of this wonderful day...

Our view from the picnic table...

After having a couple pints with Mister Anchovy on an outdoor patio (why didn't I take a still pic? lots of video though...) I got phone call from these buddies to meet at the ferry to Toronto Island and watch the air show and go for a swim...we made dashes for the booze store and I got some deli items right in Kensignton Market and met them down at the ferry docks...

14:30 ish...

I wish I had taken a photo of our spread of snacks...we had olive oil and bread and balsamic vinegar dip, jarlsberg and cheddar cheese, potato salad tomato basil salad fried chicken. And awesome cocktails including grapefruit danish vodka and blueberry juice....and champagne and pomegrante liquor...always important to get your anti-oxidants!

A sandy beach means sand in the pants...um Brittany, take a page...

Oops, I forgot to turn this one areound sorry...no time to tweak it...

What a spectacular afternoon we had...

Heading back downtown...

Even though there was a ferry...we all got diva and ordered a water taxi...which pulled up next to the massive ferry line-up and we piled in all Parisandnicole-like. This is Michael in the shade of the water taxi.

Leaving the beach sunburned and sooooooo relaxed....

Top off the day at the Canadian National Exhibition midway....whoooowheeeee!!!!!!!!

Fire Ball: the best ride!

Just past midnight the view from the ferris wheel.
You could not have had more fun, could you? What a nice break you have had.
Yes a beautiful time it looks like you had. LOL... I loved all the photo's of you all having fun. I dont like ferris wheels but my husband brings our 3 year old up on the one we have at our amusement park. She just loves them.
Loved the pictures - sounds like so much fun - - can't wait to see your documentary -
package should be there Friday or Saturday U.S. mail...........
Looks like a fun time!!
I like the kitties by the backpack!
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