I learned a great trick from
L.M. when wasps are bothering a picnic. I went by L.M.'s place a few days ago and had the best coffee...iced with lots of cream and sat outside and had a wonderful visit. She fashioned a fake wasp nest out of newspaper and it scared away the territirial wasps. I made a fake wasp nest with Mister Anchovy in Kensington Market while we were having a beer after filming and busking.
That's kind of a cool idea, actually. We've had such a bad year for wasps...they've been a totally terrible nuisance. At one place I worked at, we'd distract them by putting a water bottle filled with sugar water out for them, and poke a couple of holes in the top. That way they could get in but not out. My roommate's hummingbird feeder also collected a ton of wasps.
That sounds like a good idea. What about wasps that are not territorial, though? (If such a thing even exists.)
I saw a couple of insects almost drowning in the pool in Sicily and rescued them by allowing them to grasp on to a leaf and fly away. Then Asterisk told me they were wasps (I thought they were bees!). But after that, the wasps and me had an understanding, you see? They never bothered me again...
I hate bee's and wasps. Pretty much anything that flies and it can sting and hurt. Ouch. I am such a baby when it comes to stuff like that. LOL... but interesting idea for a picnic or something. I will have to remember how to it or e-mail or leave a comment for how to do it the next time we have a picnic somewhere. More than likely not till next year again now. Its too chilly outside for picnics here now. Hope all is well.
Speaking of bugs, did I tell you about the stick bugs? We took care of some during the summer. They laid eggs, which I collected and put in a glass jar. Didn't really know what to do with them. Nothing much was happening, so I forgot about them. When we got back from our holiday G picks up a glass jar and says " what the hell is this" supposing it was yet another strange food thing left hanging around. When I tell him, he points out that one had hatched!
Well, one nothing! We now have at least two dozen, if not more since last night 8 more hatched out. This has been going on for two weeks!
Anybody need a low maintence pet, or six? They eat ivy and blackberry brambles, and oddly enough are pretty cute. But you cannot hold baby stick bugs, you have to wait until they are almost full grown.
Sorry I missed your last call.
That's a fantastic idea.
Sometimes the beauty of simple fixes is like a glimpse of a heavenly grin.
THANK YOU! We have some very persistant critters - now I know how to handle them.
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