Up to my neck in sand paper...portable table saws and drills...doing dry walling.
I don't actually like to tell anybody I can do home decor and home reno...because then they might try to hire me.
In the morning I sand all the walls in a tight small basement apartment of a house. Then I apply the mud(drywallcompound/plaster) working on second, thrid...and tomorrowfourth and finalapplication of mud on the drywall.
This is a custom drywall job. Anybody else would run away screaming but I dare to go where no macho self respecting dry waller would go...
Sometimes I am actually "whittling" drywall to custom fit it to special demands.
Fortunately, the people I'm working for have awesome hard wareand tools so it really makes the job a lot more interesting and comfortable.
Then at night I basically should flop...but happily I got together with Anita and Behzad last night...we made a group beer infused phone call to Stagg on my cell phone from a bar on Yonge Street...and then tonight I am going to a bbq at Mister Anchovy's.
Hello to my blogpals...I miss you...to Underground Baker etc...but I am covered in plaster makes it difficult to type...and a big hug to my Stagg!
Maybetonight I will load some photosbeforedinner at Mister Anchovy's...LATER! HUGS!!!
Big hugs to you also MINXY!!!
Lots of LOVE!!!
Ohhhhhhhh my gosh! You are a drywaller too? You wild woman, you!
Candy, never aquire those fine skills that might enslave you to others.
(that warning was once actually delivered to me in regards to using a typewriter)
Note to self: Get all drywalling work ready for when Candy and Stagg visit.
Nah, just kidding!
Glad I can get on to your blog today. Couldn't yesterday at all. Anyways, sounds like a lotta hard work. Don't forget to have some fun too...
You know I swore I left a message yesterday. Yikes. Blog world. Anyway I was just saying that a lady I used to babysit for used to help her husband do this. You should have seen them both when they came home after 16 hours of drywalling. It was a funny sight to see.
Just checking in to see if you are wattling and/or daubling still.
Missing you too, Candy! I haven't been around the blogs much myself, but I'm all ready for the winter now, when I'll do little else, I'm sure!
Take care!
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