Mister Anchovy's brother and sister-in-law had kittens and one of them has joined the household! Meet Hawkeye. Yep...Hawkeye after Hawkeye Pierce on
M.A.S.H. You've seen and heard of Bits...who has one green eye and one blue eye and a short coiled tail? Bits looks a bit like Marilyn Manson...but this new baby tabby girl is missing one eye and will blend right into this misfit family. Mister Anchovy's brother just dropped her off after a tearful goodbye.

Tiff has a pirate shirt on...which is kind of appropriate as this is a pirate cat...I wonder if she will wear an eye patch? She has a little "ball" inside her blind eye...she needs to go to the vets right quickly...and get a check-up...the blind eye blinks and part of her nose seems a bit compromised as well. She is a real sweetheart.

Remember this was Bits last week in the heat. He is not mellow anymore. He is very angry about the new room mate. When you say his name he growls...but we think he is going to fall in love with her!
Meanwhile...I'm just waiting to call my "help-line" to figure out how the hell do I import video...I hope to have some video up here real soon...hold on Newt we're headed for the watermelon patch....
UPDATE: Um...well, the associate at my help-line says...I need a different cable to have the computer recognize my camcorder. I would love to know why the sales clerk didn't upsell me when I bought the camcorder. Sheesh...I've done retail...it's all about helping the customer get home safe and sound with all the equipment they need...in marketing or sales world this is called "upsell". I mean really, that is the easiest sales job in the world when someone has bought something somewhat major to make sure they have everything they need to get home and be ready to use everything. Ambulance. At least I know right now what an amazing retail person I used to be...cha-ching cha-ching!
Our neighbor down the street had kittens in May when they moved in and they are so cute to see now. Three months old and all over the place. LOL... she has one in her bunch that is just like yours with the blind eye though. It had an infection a nd she didnt get her to the vet in time and she lost her eye. but she makes up for being able to see out of the one good one though. Cute kitty tat.
Isn't it wonderful to see kittens...with grown cats it's easy to forget how cute they are when they are little....this kitten was born without the eye working. We're wondering what the vet is going to do if there is any special treatment etc.
Bits is still angry and pouting...won't come near the room where the kitten is...still growling...
Call me Candy, I can upload your video onto a mac.
Hi L.M. I tried calling you but I can't identify which number was yours on my cell phone...I forgot to program it in the other day...
meanwile...I've got the videos on my desktop on Quick time....finally...but they are takin FOREVER to upload on YouTube...wish me luck...
hawkeye is too cute! I'm glad Tiff giving the little sprite a good home!
Yes, Mister Anchovy isn't she lovely? I've got more photos tomorrow...and still no uploaded YouTube...I've been playing the footage all day...but still waiting for it to upload. Help at YouTube says it can take hours....
Oh, I hear a flurry of activity in your words!
Hawkeye - what a noble name. This little bit-o-cat will be a noble thing indeed.
Right now its adorable -
It took our cats (the one I carried from Wyoming to here and the other two) about three months to make up - now they are inseparable, grooming each other, protecting each other, tussling and playing.
He'll get over it and fall head over heals for the little gal or guy. Just give him time. Esp if he's been alone for a while. No other kitties in the house.
Zig Zigler a salesmanship guru would agree with you. His view was there was no easier sale than to sell the customer "what he/she needs."
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