Thursday, July 08, 2010

Sad Boys...

Why are some of the very best singer/songwriters so sad...?

Related Links:

Prevent Child Abuse

An organization protecting children...Human rights Watch

A message for artists.


mister anchovy said...

Ha, many good singer songwriters do indeed seem to be sad characters...but not all. I'd describe Guy Clark as grumpy, and Joe Ely and John Hyatt as pretty upbeat. But then there's Townes, who was so sad, he made up for a truckload of happy guys.

Gardenia said...


Additionally, studies are showing the psychotropic drugs are showing up in our water supplies.

I sometimes wonder if the reason we (many in our nation) are on some of these drugs is because we ingest them unwittingly. I have seen without a doubt in hyperactive children, that a regular schedule, understanding, taking out the sugar and preservatives, and food allergens completely turn the child around.

Are you familiary with Emily Autumn (musician) - she makes quite a statement in regard to this subject.

Candy Minx said...

Mister Anchovy...oh for sure so many are very happy or positive people who make music...I guess we just tend to really notice the ones who suffer...they stand out sometimes. And their music and lyrics can be so profound to us because we relate to their sadness at times.

Gardenia, I am dead against children being given psychotropic drugs and anti-depressants. I believe that should be banned in U.S. as it is in Britain. It is just this side of banned in'd have a tough time trying to put your kid on SSRIs in Canada. (one mother tried to sue her doctor because they wouldn't prescibe her child SSRIs...I say that doc is a hero!)

It's gotten to a point where if a kid has a tantrum, the parents can't handle it....and next thing you know a kid is on psychotropic drugs.

Diet definately changesbehaviour. I watched a program where this liitle boy was given SSRIs...and meanwhile his mother weighed 300 pounds and his lunch was "goldfish" and "corn dogs"...

I say give the mother the bloody SSRIs and get the whole family on REAL food!

Anonymous said...

That first video reminds me of an orchestra... all those guitars... beautiful...

I love Eliot Smith...
"Someone's always comin' around here, trailing some new cure..."

Listened to his albums thousands of times, I swear...

I'm going to learn Between the Bars on the 'bone if I can ever get out of this damn job...


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