Like lots of other people, I'm hooked to the tv watching the rescue of the Chilean miners today. They need to wear sunglasses since they've been in the dark for so many weeks as they come up a Navy rigged Supertunnel. I love it that Oakley eyewear has donated $450 sunglasses to the miners. They come above ground revved up and happy, thankful and looking very swish and Matrix-y. Apparently the adrenalin of rescue is giving them energy to stand up and be welcomed by their families. Probably, once they are taken to medical facilities the extent of their trauma will kick in. there is one guy i am especially interested in. He has two families. Man this guy is all swagger. He has his wife and mistress both trying to be at the rescue scene today. Should be interesting. I see an SNL sketch forming in my mind.
I'm so glad they all made it out...what a story!!
Ha, love your post. I missed the guy today with two families. Europeans have such (some Europeans) different views than Americans - but the one I did see come out look rather robust I thought for two plus months in a dark hole - yes, I think perhaps you are entirely right - they will have impacts for years to come! It is a miracle they are all out alive, I think. (Is that what I got to do to have some fabulous sunglasses?)
I am sooo proud to be an owner of Oakleys! :)
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