I was anticipating two new shows this season that I had medium high hopes for...Undercovers and Hawaii 50. Much like a revamped premise of Hart To Hart the new J.J. Abrams (LOST) program is a little too much like the old 80's married couple crime show. I was hoping for Undercovers to be a bit of "Mr and Mrs Smith metts 24". So far, the actors who play retired spies now running a catering company are perfect at delivering the Romance/harlequin vibe...but honestly, the action and banter isn't what I've been looking forward to. I'm not giving up on the show yet...J.J. Abrams has my attention for the rest of his career. ( I mean just for Cloverfeild alone, nevermind Alias and LOST) But...this married couple needs a blast of comedy writing and snappy dialogue at least. I was very surprised to notice that one of the producers is Elwood Reid. Reid was a hot young writer in the late 90's with a couple of books I really enjoyed ("Midnight Sun" and "What Salmon Know", and "D.B." I recommend them) and I gather his producer credits also reflect some writing work. I know he wrote some episodes of cold Case back in the day. This combination fo Reid and Abrams should be killer and I'll ride it out a little longer hoping the show is just warming up. I am impressed by the main actors though. They rock.

I can not tell you how bummed I was watching Law and Order with yummy Anthony Anderson and Jeremy Sisto and finding out that what I thought was just another episode of the show was it's finale. I was addicted to the show since 1999. So I was pleased to hear the producers have made a version in L.A. And it's not bad. Juicy location for riffs on Linsay Lohan inspired characters and decadent settings. I've two words why i love this version: Skeet Ulrich.

I really like angie Harmon, her character in Law and Order was so much fun, she reminded me of "Worf" on Star Trek...no matter what happens he was always saying "Kill them". And Harmon had that tough quality and sense of border justice. I tried watching another show she was in, but it fell flat, and it didn'ty get picked up. This new show of hers, Rizzoli and Isles has kept her character with a hard edge. She gets irritated, she dislikes anything mushy. Harmon is eprfect. It's a sort of "Cagney and Lacey" female buddy cop show and it's pretty good.

Hawaii 50 is my favourite new show I've watched so far. I love the casting and the writing has some good humour. The action is what is expected with room to grow (come on how about some wicked speed boats!) ... but they made a good choice by getting a good chemistry between the two main guys. Scott Caan really makes this program. Yep, he's the son of James Caan and he has fantastic attitude and comic timing. He reminds me of the first time I saw Bruce Willis in Moonlighting.
haha in my little brain, Hawaii 50 has a LOT of room to grow..in the writing department and the acting department...I don't even think the actress from Battlestar Gallactica is going to save this one. I keep thinking, watch out guys, this one's a Cylon.
I am just blown away that you've heard of the tv show Battlestar Gallactica! I know tv is not your cup of tea, and I am so impressed. I think you just have better taste than em Mr. A. I am not able to tell if a show is going to be popular or not. I've invested a fiar bit of time in new shows that I really liked oly to have them cancelled (the jesus show "the Book of Daniel" and "Parker Lewis" for example).
I am not crazy about the lead in Hawaii 50, the McGarrett character...I wish they had cast someone else, but the rest of the cast and banter I really enjoy.
I remember the old Hawaii 50 when I was a kid.. Hope you enjoy TV while I sit and crochet my way through stuff. and work my nights away..LOL.. Only picking on you a bit..
Tweetey, you don't even want to know the whole dirty mess of other things we do around here, lol! but feel free to pick on me...I only wish I could get paid to watch tv ha ha.
I used to watch the old Hawaii 50 pretty obsessivley and I hold this new one up to it's "standard"...of camp and scenery...
Strangely enough, Tuffy and I have watched all of Battlestar Gallactica, even the last couple seasons which were pretty bad.
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