Well, I've been in Canada visiting family and friends in Toronto for over week...what a month it's been in Chicago saw Madonna and Maceo Parker. Maceo Parker was at the House of Blues...which I expected to be really touristy, but it was designed really beautifully. All the theatre curtains are patchwork quilts, lots of areas for dancing and the acoustics are incredible. The entire building is decorated with folk art, with Santeria themes and framed American folk art. I will link some photos here but because I am on the road and borrowing a computer...I am loading pics in a different way and losing track. I feel like I'm in a hurry or something. Maceo Parker was truly one of the most incredile shows...if you get a chance to see "the professor" please do, he is funk god. Played with Prince and PFunk!
Gay Pride was so much fun...I love the photos of people taking pictures of the drag queens and folks all dressed up...I find them hilarious because they are taking pictures of the party yet acting like tourists of drag queens so I took a lot of photos of the photographers. :) ... everyone had so much fun! Some truly beautiful souls I took some photos of here...the theme was fearless...lets not be afraid of hate...of death, seize the day and love our rainbow family! As B-RAD would say from Malibu's Most Wanted..."don't be hating..."

Some very worrying placards there. I used to wonder what gay rights was actually about. But then again I work in a very liberal field. Those placards say it all.
The contrast between those beautiful colourful celebrations and the hateful writing on the placards truly sends chills to my bones.
I miss having gay people around. We used to live in London and could often be found in Soho, which is a lovely pedestrianised area with lots of cafes and chichi shops that also happens to be London’s gay central.
Where we are now there is no such thing. Provincial England... I guess people don’t come out for fear of getting their head kicked in. And who can blame them?
BTW, I *LOVE* the doggie in bondage gear! Hope you had a great time in Toronto (looks like it, anyway!).
Thanks for the visit. Looks like you are having a memorable time in Canada. Have heard the scenery is magnificent.
Have a safe time. Remember the Cross.
It is depressing to see the placcards representing action against others, isn't it. Red, you make a great reminder about how people from small towns and totalitarian countries suffer similar hate crimes and attitudes. I am glad to have grown up in a time when it was accepted to be gay...I remember high school parties where two girls were always holding hands and we just never thought about it or hating them. It wa sin the Pacific Northwest Canada, a land of loggers and pulp mill workers and aluminum refineries...where the stereotype might be for hate crimes...but we never even thought about these girls, they were our friends. We weare all just bored teens and looking for a party or some fun. Not hate. I feel for my brothers and sisters who fight for love around the world.
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