My boyfriend says I am a shit disturber, but I just had a lot of fun teasing Guy Kawasaki about his desire to be in top ten technorati rank. Hey, he's an interesting business man and a lot of people look up to him. So, I think he will might make it. Like I said earlier he has a vast following, and I hope he uses his superpowers wisely. I would put a link here for convenience for you to visit his blog...but then, I'd be helping him advance his rank.
And thanks to my buddies here in blogland who did link my blog to theirs, I love you! Making friends is so much more fun than being ranked.
To view potential bids at eBay for Kawasaki Krump please click here.
A Brief History of Time with Kawasaki...
Beginning the challenge!
The Art of War
Saturday With Guy
The Art of War Vol.2
Kawasaki Krump
You are the total idea woman! OMG, if I just did ONE of your suggestions! Okay, are you coming to our spring/summer pool party? I forgot my ID at eBay, so later I will check this out. Actually, TT and IA are going to start selling. We have old records, circa 1939 and knitting patterns, same era!
if you search ebay.com tonight for candy minx, it takes you to an entry for madeleine minx - but if you search candy minx on ebay.ca, the search engine can't cope and changes it to candy mint, also an excellent name.
Good gesture Candy. hope it sells higher.
I don't have any links in my blogs because I don't know how to do it. My pages already have errors. Have to get them fixed first. Don't know much about computers Candy
It sure is a very good gesture. I certainly believe that it's worth more than $75 with all the effort and passion you have exerted on this piece of art. Good luck!
I think this is such an awesome idea I'm going to write a blog entry about it. I really admire your ambition. I haven't been blogging as much lately, and it's frustrating... I don't know what to write about. It's inspiring to see you hard at work to reach the Technorati top ten--it makes me want to work harder on my blog.
I'm gettin' really curious t'see Mr Motorbikes blog...but not if it stops yer beatin' him. If I had any dosh t'spare I'd bid. Check me lottery later.
Done quite a few doodles 'cause of you. Not brave enough t'put 'em up.....yet
Hey Foxtrot, I wondered where you been. I think it's good to not write on a blog if you don't feel like it anyway. You see YOUR response excites me because so few people even say anything so because it makes you inspired that makes me feel good. I like having lots of fun, and I like it that this got you thinking.
And yes 4Dinners keep drawing! Draw anything and don't analyse it just keep going....the more you art and drawings you get into a pile the more free you will feel...and we put too much pressure on what things "should and shouldn't" look like. Just keep going. Ina month you'll have a bunch to look at at and maybe you'll post some for us. There is not correct or wrong way to make art.
Thanks guys you made my day!
4Dinners I'll ermail you his blog address or you can google it...
Hmm. Glad to be here! Will try my hands at MS paint!
jamtart is such a good word, isn't it...
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