About a year and a half ago,
Stagg took several sheets of fabric and painted all over them. then he gave them to his friend
Danny who created this woman. Isn't she lovely? She moved in last weekend.

I admit, there have been a few times I've walked into the room and
jumped. She really has a strong personality and prescence. Her arms are so long and delicate, and kind of remind me of movie arms of aliens...but they also make her seem to stoic. Danny has an art show at the Chicago Tourism Center, 72 East Randolph Street until Feb.28th.

Should we name her? Any suggestions?
Each person’s spiritual journey is inherently different. There are many spiritual pathways leading to the same destination.
She looks like a Leonora to me!
That long thumb reminds me of Uma Thurman's role as Sissy Hankshaw. I've only seen trailers of the film.
Bonsta Looga, beautiful, but a big long for a nickname...how about if we shorten that suggestion to "Tao".
Red, yikes, that's Stagg's mothers name, and that would HAVE to be bad feng shui in the bedroom, no?
Greg S, well she is slim like Uma too. I think Sissy is a very good idea for a name. That movie didn't do well, but I really liked it, Hankshaw is one of my favourite female characters.
I have a new roommate too moving in, in mid February who is named Joy.
It just sounds nice to say. Good luck to your friend Danny with his show.
"Hi Joy, How was your day?"
"I'm sad, hug me Joy."
Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Sassafras ... that's the first thing that popped into my head.
Dolt D
Hey Dolt...that's a great name for her...I'll putit past Stagg, but I am sure he'll love it. Sasafras, fun.
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