I am at Mister Anchovy's house painting the upstairs hallway of Tuffy P and Mr. Anchovy's...and qucikly loading some photos in here during my lunch break...Hi Mister Anchovy if you are checking on me...heh heh...Although Tuffy P and Mister Anchovy have several cats...this is not one of them...this is Bits my family cat...and the weather in Toronto is stinking hot...today it's going to about 40C says Tuffy P...thank god for their air conditioning while I am house painting...but at my apartment, no such air conditioning and so Bits tries to find a little breeze.
I laughing - Bits has a tummy like my Ms. Meowie! When is it ever going to cool down! It's extremely humid here as well as hot!
Very hot here also but its suppose to cool down in a bit. The front is suppose to come through this afternoon sometime and I hope soon really. I am trying to get my house done before my parents come charging in tomorrow night.
Looks like my Tilly (RIP). She was a total bitch who scratched everyone and everything within reach. 'Cept me of course....
Bits is smart.
We gave Cat some anchovy the other day. He thought we were joking. He spat it in our faces and scratched us to death. Drag.
He *, some cats just don't recognize a good anchovy when they see one.
Today is cooler by the way, and it looks like rain....
I want to schnorgle Bits's belly so moishe... (Pardon the baby talk, I have been spending too much time on Cute Overload!)
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