John and I met over ten years ago at an online book club for Cormac McCarthy. I remember noticing him because he mentioned the "saddledome" and I realized he must live in Calgary, making him the only other Candian participant at that time...and when he went to school for his Master's in London we got together for the first time. Then we met once or twice in Calgary when I was visiting my grandmother or passing through to Vancouver...or he came to Toronto and stayed with me. We got together last week in London and had a great visit...eating a new treat, I forgot the name "barek"...had some Thai food and talk on and off about David Lynch, William Burroughs and the nature of reality.

John and Candy, 2007. If I look tired it's because I was ona bus ride from hell, 30 hours and counting showing up at John's place at 4 a.m. John was a terrific good sport and told me to call in the middle of the night even though I was 18 hours later than I thought I would be etc. He makes a mean soft boiled egg and was a fantastic host. Thanks for a great visit once again John!!!
mean soft boiled egg? He is a natural born hero!!!!
John, Candy. John Candy. How much more Canadian can ya get? Brilliant!
Hey John if you see this, I recall well your posts from the CM forum when I was spending time over there. cheers from Toronto.
Hey Candy,
It was great as always to hang out with you. Lookin froward to the next time! Much love, John
FD: Yeahp, when John Candy died, his anima and animus made two average sized people of enormous wit and intellect...
Hey Mr. A... I remember you too. Cheers from a couple hours south.
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