Post # 704
23,330 visitors
My technorati rank: 3,162
Guy Kawasaki's technorati rank: 21
I am "A large Mammal" at The Truth Laid Bear ranking system:at 471
Highest Ranking Words That Brought People Here:
570 3.38% the
435 2.58% candy
398 2.36% minx
374 2.22% gnostic
282 1.67% cormac
276 1.64% mccarthy
218 1.29% and
186 1.10% sunset
172 1.02% world
170 1.01% limited
125 0.74% art
106 0.63% clothing
95 0.56% who
91 0.54% chicago
83 0.49% for
81 0.48% killed
80 0.47% movies
78 0.46% nas
73 0.43% masterbation
72 0.43% what
70 0.42% line
67 0.40% you
65 0.39% david
60 0.36% depression

take away the percentages, and you have a poem.
Nice state you have here!
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