Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Search Words That Brought People To This Blog (edition 37)

I haven't done one of these lists in a long time. There are certain searches that bring a lot of people here. The two most popular are 1)"pirates xxx"...who knew my little movie review of a triple x porn film would attract so many visitors. They must be very disappointed when they get here, heh heh. If you want porn, you have to buy my poetry book OFFICE SEX (I've only got a few copies left, and writing a new compilation of poetry to post here in the coming months)

The other major search words are 2) "cormac mccarthy rolling stone interview". At least visitors who visit here searching for the interview will find here.

The third and fourth most used words that lead people here are "history masterbation" and "addicted to depression". The next is "gnostic clothing". A very popular search is "gun crack" and most of these searches come from Eastern Europe. When someone clicks on the link for "gun crack" they will find my review of the movie about brass band REBIRTH here.

Meanwhile here are some new search words people have used and found their way here...who needs to write poetry when search engines create such great "cut ups"!

pimp chalice
damien hirst worlds most expensive living artist whose meditations mortality are display for the first time
giffords circus pictures
electronic gnostic world
ikea dog catalogue
tlingit greys anatomy
garbage memory
arts purpose
giordano chocolate
lynch sunset blvd.
jughead hockey
how to build a home tiki bar
pole dancing
blood meridian epilogue
downtown vancouver
krump drawings
how to make a video projector
rock stars sunglasses
monkey candy paintings
live entertainment
andy zipperz
how did charles darwin come up with the idea of nature vs. nurture
an interview with david moos
utube aircraft videos
dolphin candy
daniel pinchbeck 2012 the return of quetzuel
dirkx/thomas moore ritual symbol publication
online bookstore that sells santeria books
gorilla balls candy
minerva burning man
poetry physics
minx in rivers
resurrection ishtar circus
gnostic symbols and art
hobo art

Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap. Like wow Daddy-O.


Wandering Coyote said...

Gorilla balls candy? WTF?

Candy Minx said...

Heh heh...I know, I have some of the craziest search words huh?

I think they may have been looking for this...

Janet said...

ahhh, office sex...i remember those days!

piscadoro king fisher said...

i got sent here after searching "clown rape"

piscadoro king fisher said...

p.s. daniel pinchbeck is a jackass hehe

tweetey30 said...

Hey email me at That is the new address. We are looking at going to PA for a few days and we would have to be in your area by early and then leave the same day because we cant afford to stay the night and then head on to Carbondale PA that evening. Let me know if this works for you. N...

Gardenia said...

I really would like to know what gnostic clothing looks like. :)

pjazzypar said...

"How to build a home tiki bar?". You could have made a Thursday Thirteen out of 13 of these :-) I have to say the list is eclectic.

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