Back to basics. Did you ever have to do a colour wheel in school? Nowadays colour wheels are mostly the realms of computer graphics. James had never ever painted before...so this seemed like a good low pressure way to get familiar with paint. Okay okay, I like to kick it old school now and then. See that loose messy colour wheel in the bottom left? That's mine. :)
When you've never used paint before it's handy to work through this exercise. I had a lot of fun, I hope the guys weren't too bored. I tried to explain why a colour wheel is in a circle and about mixing colours to portray the absence of light etc etc.
While we were doing colour wheels a participant was actually making a painting. She gave me permission to post it here...we were duly humbled. What a fun day...again!
Genesis Art Supplies donated several sketch books and helped out with pencils and sharpeners and stuff. A shout out to Phil and Tim who helped in case they stop by this blog. When I aksed the woman who did the painting above if she could use a sketch book and how she looked when she said yes...Genesis thank you...you made a couple of people really happy this week! Thanks Phil and Tim!!
Genesis Art Supply, 2417 N. Western, Chicago.
I like the painting. I haven't looked at a colour wheel in years...maybe it would help. Har!
I'mnot surprised you haven't. Neither had I. I really felt strange doing one at first. Thats the point of doing them when a student it just becomes part of one's brain or something. It's basically like taking notes at a meeting. I remember at one point starting a course and they'd say make a colour wheel...I'd been making bloody colour wheels since I was 10. It felt ridiculous to pay university tuition and do a colour wheel. The funny thing is though...it's rarely taught anymore...unless one is writing for colour in cgi and computers.
Wow, I do believe you are going to find some real treasures in this venture - this painting the beginning!
Once in a while I go back to the basics - a color wheel - transparent colors - opaque -
I wonder why they don't do color wheels anymore? If one can command color - ahhhhhhhhhh!
Candy, You always have such awesomely beautiful photography and artwork! Did you move to the States and give up your lovely Canada?
Hi Candy,
Whenever I see a colour wheel I think of our freind M, (silverfox). I always see them in her studio.
Because I paint so little, before I start any kind of paint play I always warm up with colour wheels - much like throwing a few warm up kicks - to fire up those neuron paths that remember things I have forgotten in the everyday.
It is so great that Genesis is donating material.
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