I love them I love them I love them. I can not play enough of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs...and I wish I could just transport myself and party with this band. I love them. I play it any chance I can...I dance all down the hallway blaring this band. It's Blitz! is the perfect music to saute the holy trinity to...I've been making three huge pots of soup to this album all day. I don't want to sleep EVER. I'm a club bunny all over again and again...

This one sneaks up on you. I love it. This album is for listening to in bed staring at the ceiling or for dancing, I love it on my iPod. I don't know if you could ever get a hardcore Bruce fan to fess up their favourite album...I might agree to Nebraska and god knows I've laid in bed for so many irreplacable hours playing it over and over staring at the ceiling. No self-respecting goth isn't indebted to that record. And here sneaks up Working On A Dream it's fucking brilliant and singable and dancable and light and dark. I love the opening track of disco-ized KISS cover "I Was Made For Loving You Baby" it freaks you out and yet is so perfect for the ballad. And it seems to grow out of the movie The Wrestler. At first the song Queen Of The Supermarket seemed adorable..and then it becomes haunting and gorgeous and well just lovely. Just all Bruce all day! This album is so good and so subtle and not at the same time that it's seriously giving Nebraska a run for it's money. I love you Bruce.
With my shopping cart I move through the heart
Of a sea of fools so blissfully unaware
That they're in the presence of something wonderful and rare
The way she moves behind the counter
Beneath her white apron her secret remains hers
As she bags the groceries her eyes so bored
And sure she's unobserved
I'm in love with the Queen of the Supermarket
There's nothing I can say
Each night I take my groceries and I drift away
And I drift away
Guidance from the gods above
At night I pray for the strength to tell her
When I love I love I love I love her so
Take my place in the check-out line
For one moment her eyes meet mine
I'm lifted up, lifted up, lifted up, lifted up

I hope to see Gallows on their next tour. I regret missing them last year. Their next album due this spring is also another one I am highly anticipating. I've been listening to the music I can find from their first record and some live tracks online.

Stagg picked up John Frusciante's album Inside of Emptiness in the batches he got from work. You know you're a real RHCPs fan if you can spell his last name:) I will never forget when I first heard him play, on RHCP's Mother's Milk and if I've worn out Springsteen's Nebraska it's got a competition for play from that 1989 album. Frusciante has probably almost died about a million times but we would be so less musically without him. A side note, which might only interest our friend Jim, is that one of Frusciante's good friends in Bob Forrest (Thelonius Monster & The Bicycle Thief) who probably saved his life convincing him to enter rehab where he was so sick he lost all his teeth and had skin grafts on his arms where needle marks had eaten the skin. Bob Forrest is fascinating on the tv reality show Dr. Drew Pinsky's Celebrity Rehab (which I am addicted to). Frusciante's 2004 album is beautiful. It's ideal for soaking in the tub with it's incantatory guitar for relaxing.
Stagg also got a cd of Garbage's 1998's Version 2.0 and it's funny to see him getting into it for the first time...I saw them this tour in Vancouver...and palyed thier cds raw. I am still watching and enjoying The Sarah Connor Chronicles check out the video of vixen Shirley Manson.

I really am playing Sandinista on the turntable. We have the record player in the front room and it makes a great energy for making wallpaper and painting. I never ever tire of listening to this album of three records. I've been mixing it up with Hound Dog Taylor and the sountrack to Cadillac Records: I totally loved this movie directed by Darnell Williams in a most unusual fashion...I keep thinking about how she paced the entrance of the characters. I was completely blown away by Eamonn Walker...who I believe Red and * saw perform at the Globe Theatre. I am so jealous...I am in complete awe of his performnce in this movie. He stole it. And that's incredible because all of the actors were stunning. Cadillac Records: the Birth of Rock and Roll! I didn't know anything about the biographies of these musicians, no idea that Berry went to prison and Waters was a womanizer. It was partly cool because I've seen both Etta James and Muddy Waters perform in real life. Even though Eamonn was mind-blowing all the performances were deadly in this film. A must see!

I love what I can get my hands on of Laura Izibor, what a cool groovy warm voice. This song was on Grey's Anatomy last year. She has her debut album coming out soon...but you can find a fair bit of stuff online...

I tied myself with wire
To let the horses roam free
Playing with the fire
Until the fire played with me
The stone was semi-precious
We were barely conscious
Two souls too smart to be
In the realm of certainty
Even on our wedding day
We set ourselves on fire
Oh God, do not deny her
It’s not if I believe in love
If love believes in me
Oh, believe in me
At the moment of surrender
I folded to my knees
I did not notice the passers-by
And they did not notice me
I’ve been in every black hole
At the altar of the dark star
My body’s now a begging bowl
That’s begging to get back, begging to get back
To my heart
To the rhythm of my soul
To the rhythm of my unconsciousness
To the rhythm that yearns
To be released from control
I no lie, had tears well up when I first heard the song Moment Of Surrender the third cut on the fucking wonderful new U2 album. I was excited to hear this album when it came out...but I wasn't really very concened about what to expect. I feel as if I was caught off guard at just how bloody good this album is...I mean does anybody really care if this band makes a false move at this point in their work? No, but the amazing thing is...they haven't. The purity, the guitars explorations, the voives are a joy. I remember when Zooropa came out and friend of mine gave me his copy...he absolutely hated it. I was like, okay, I'll take it. I thought it was their most fantastic album...it was their "The Wall" their "White Album" their "Ok Computer". They had collaborated with Wim Wenders on a a song, with Johnny Cash on another and had immersed themselves into cyberpunk and William Gibson. Zooropa was international feeling. No not world beat more bigger than that...international. And I have a similar feeling listening to No Line On The Horizon. The vocals and guitars in "Unknown Caller" really come together and feel different. And who could not use the soundtrack of lyrics "Get Your Boots On"? I mean how useful are those lyrics. Wow, U2 have done it again, those monsters. At first I thought the title of the album was kind of well, nondescript, pedestrian, but now it actually seems beautiful, infinite. I was excited for their new album, but I didn't know I was gonna care so much.
I was so so touched by the lyrics to that song and then your wedding photo above -
What would I do without my two friends Mr. Anchovy and Candy Minx - I am so musically illiterate - at least I now can find wonderful music to enrich my soul!
I highly recommend you to get the U2 album...so much I'm going to send you it..so hold on. I'll put it in the mail tomorrow night. The very first time I heard that track...I saw Vegas and us standing out side in the street in my head. U2 is a very cinematic band actually.
I like some U2 but others are just not what I call good. Thanks for sharing and that was your wedding photo's up above.. Beautiful you two are..
Gallows and Eamonn Walker: what more could anyone ask for in a post. Good British boys, all.
I'm gonna drop you a line about something you might be interested in doing when Gallows come to Chicago...
Tweetey, well heck, I know music can be a very personal form of identity...and I also know...that Springsteen is really from a different fan base and often an older age group than you. I really love so many kinds of music and from many different eras. I realize most people have more specialized tastes in only a few genres.
But...for those interested in Springsteens new album...which I think even overshadows "The Rising" which I love...but the depth of music is so much more explored in this new one...here is an awesome review from Rolling Stone...
*, Oh I just love them both. Gallows has made me so excited about music in a way that is sometimes something we can lose touch with when we get so distracted by "real" life. And Walker...wow he was just so tight.
And here are the lyrics of "Tomorrow Never Knows" by Springsteen, which is another song that sneaks up on the listener and is special in accomplishing being both a protest song and a spiritual song:
Where the cold wind blows
Tomorrow never knows
Where your sweet smile goes
Tomorrow never knows
You and me we've been standing here, my dear
Waiting for that time to come
Where the green grass grows
Tomorrow never knows
In the field your long hair flows
Down by the tail end of the tracks
Beneath the water tower
I carried you on my back
Over the rusted spikes of that highway of steel
When no more thunder sounds
Where the turn goes
Tomorrow never knows
Well he who waits for the day's riches will be lost
In the whispering tide
Where the river flows
Tomorrow never knows
p.s. Tweetey...I also found a professional review of U2's new album.
I never read reviews of movies, books or music until I have already read/seen/listened. I like to keep my experience as clear of critics for initial experience as possible.
I read SPIN magazine every month juggling between articles covering new music or reviewing something I've already heard.
So...I'm just surfing around now looking at reviews of this muci here, at least the new releases.
Here is a U2 review from Rolling Stone...and it's a very thoughtful review. Plus, it's funny, the writer also picked up on the Zooropa flavour just as I did....
"It is a strange thing to sing on a record that more often reveals itself in tempered gestures, at a measured pace. (The main exception, the outright frivolity of "Get on Your Boots," comes right in the middle, as if the band thought it needed some kind of zany halftime.) Most of the great — and biggest-selling — U2 albums have been confrontational successes: the dramatic entrance on 1980's Boy; the spiritual-pilgrim reach of 1987's The Joshua Tree; the electro-Weimar whirl of Achtung Baby; the return to basics on 2004's How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. Produced by the now-standard trio of Brian Eno, Daniel Lanois and Steve Lillywhite, No Line on the Horizon is closer to the transitional risks — the Irish-gothic spell of 1984's The Unforgettable Fire, the techno-rock jet lag of 1993's Zooropa — but with a consistent persuasion in the guitar hooks, rhythms and vocal lines."
Here is the review online:
I am looking forward to your musical care package !
Thanks for the reviews and the stats on the music. I got goosebumps reading the lyrics of the song. I like some of his music. Jeff doesnt but I do. I like anything from Country to pop rock to heavy metal. I dont care for classical to much. but will listen to it as Jeff puts up with some of my music tastes. You give and get when married..
'"I’ll Go Crazy if I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight” reads like a bumper sticker on an SUV in a Wal-Mart parking lot -- a meek yelp of rebellion from a mortgage-stressed husband who dreams of creeping out for Nascar Bud Shootout night at Hooters. But on the song of that title from U2’s 12th studio album, Bono belts out the line with liberating glee -- like a giddy favela kid swinging onto an arm of Rio’s Christ the Redeemer statue. And we’re right there swinging along too, because when surging vox and chiming guitar and frisky beat congregate in the proper spirit, and when the foursome don’t sound like geezers defensively proclaiming their conceptual or aesthetic vigor, U2 still inspire flashes of elation, awe, and yes, hope like no other rock band.
And for most of us, that’s enough -- they created a sound, they shrewdly expanded and reinvented it, and they never became ghoulish, price-gouging buffoons like the Stones. But unlike 2000’s All That You Can’t Leave Behind (the follow-up to 1997’s electronica-tweaked misfire Pop), No Line on the Horizon isn’t content to reaffirm U2’s iconic sonic virtues. With coproducers Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois explicitly included in the songwriting, it’s an effort to tinker and rough up and refine anew their music’s essence -- with nobly sketchy results.'
'And ultimately, No Line hinges on your appetite for, or patience with, the Nobel Peace Prize nominee’s lyrical approach. “I’m sick of Bono and I am him,” the singer admitted of his persona recently. So he abridges his first-person pronouncements, taking the point of view of a war correspondent on the moody diary “Cedars of Lebanon,” and of a suicidal man who thinks his phone is texting him instructions via computer commands (“Force quit and move to trash!”) on “Unknown Caller.” '
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