We took Tuesday off from busking to hang around the campsite, rest, read and do laundry. We also wanted to look around at this very interesting area near the State Park, in Gretna...near Algiers too. I grew up boating in Northern Ontario and on the Pacific West Coast...camping boating, hiking. I just love it. Stagg is nervous but he slowly came along with me when I wanted to check out this shrimping area and little boating moorage. Isn't it quaint?
Right next to our campsite and the shrimping boats above is this cute set up of shacks to buy seafood. Neighbours, restaurants everyone gets their seafood here. How cute!
Our campsite is also beside major building of this levee. I am really into this stuff. More than I can explain except to say that in 1987 I rented a moped with a friend and we took a ferry from Canal Street to Algiers. Back then there were parts of Algiers that were really dangerous. It was marked rather distastefully on the map as "the cut off". We wanted to come over to Algiers (which has a very interesting history, a sad one too...where the kidnapped people were brought and put here to rest before after their long voyage from Africa to rest and recuperate before they taken into New Orleans to be sold as slaves. I really wanted to see the levees in Algiers. I have several pictures in Toronto of that trip on the moped and hope to scan them here one day. Of course...the moped broke down and we were stranded walking among a pretty edgy neighbourhood. All worked out though. Anyways with my interest over the years of the levvess in New Olrleans its been a blast seeing all this construction. I am fascinated by the "skeleton" of the levee walls.
It does look charming. You guys should maybe buy a boat and start Bubba Minx Shrimp! ;)
Wow. You got seafood stores (I saw that at least one of them sells crawdads), a nice tent, a great barbeque AND wi-fi. Does life get any better?
(Fantasizes about camping, which he hasn't done since his teenage years.)
S.M. I thought about "bibber shrimp" from Forrest hump too when I saw these working boats!
X Dell, I'd love to hear about your camping trips. Why no camping for so long?
The BBQ has been a great change of pace. I love food cooked and eaten outside.
The other thong is days go by SO fast!!! It's like living in a parallel universe...
I love this post. What an adventuress you are.
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