Black Eyed Peas were fantastic on this weeks performance episode of SYTYCD and...they are so cool they opened up their song catalogue to the program on it's first season. Last week the choreographers did Michale Jackson tributes...but SONY and his estate wouldn't give permission to use his music. The way many musicians support dancers on this groundbreaking program is relly cool and it was so cheap of SONY not to give let the dancers use Jackson's music. Interesting...the opening dance routine tonight was Janet Jackson song. This season has been so awesome...last night was incredible with the women doing a Bollywood dance and the men doing an African dance. I couldn't find video I could embed but both those routines are here...and believe me both routines are fucking awesome! Now I m really sad when when dancers are voted off each week because the dancers are down to my very favourites. What an incredible show and it always makes me feel so good that dance has hit mainstream popular culture in such a big way again. Four of the choreographers have been nominated for Emmy's this morning and the make up.
The African Dance routine was choreographed by Jeffrey Page and during her comments Debbie Allen made the point that the beginnings of hip hop and jazz came from this very dance practice. I highly recommend viewing these video links. Debbie Allen also said this incredible dance tradition is every bit as rigorous and demanding as ballet. You TRAIN to do African Dance.
I thought this was a cool video of Jeffrey Page work, I love how it is him working in dance studios. His whole YouTube page is awesome. I'm hooked.
That was very weak of Sony. It's one thing to protect intellectual property and all, but to be stingy about it is another. I'm still PO'd that my high school speech team wasn't allowed to use Neil Simon excerpts without paying for full rights to the entire play. Not letting high school kids recite 5 minutes of your work is insane.
Oh what a good anecdote SME about your high school plays. Isn't that cheap...not to allow children to use plays. I would understand if the school was trying to make a profit. It's made me wonder who wrote the plays we were in at our school. I am sure they weren't mainstream writers like Simon and I wonder if they had to get royalties?
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