Monday, September 12, 2011

Like I Said, Hell In A Hand Basket

Gee, why does Toronto look more and more like it's run by extremists and cheap ass politicians?

"In the 2008 U.S. election, KPMG gave $1,206,766 to Federal candidates through its political action committee - 38% to Democrats and 62% to Republicans.

In 2006, it gave $960,929 - 28% to Democrats and 71% to Republicans.
In 2008, it spent $1,495,000 for lobbying."

Remember how I've said Toronto and Canada are going to hell ina hand basket? Well here are some examples of new proposals for the city of Toronto by some think tank called KPMG...

Reduce new affordable housing development and the House Loan Program to limit it to completing the existing Council approved commitments for development which is funded by federal and provincial governments;

Reduce the number of subsidized child care spaces through attrition;

Close museums with the least attendance and revenues;

Reduce the service level standard for snow clearing and grass cutting;

Try to find a third-party operator for the Parks’ department zoos and farms (such as Riverdale Farm and the High Park Zoo) and close them if nobody expresses interest;

Reduce community and neighbourhood development activities by suspending (1) staff supports to Council Advisory Bodies, (2) work on the development of community service hubs, and (3) work on the development of social development plans for communities undergoing revitalization;

Eliminate the four free garbage tags per household;

Eliminate Community Environment Days;

Toronto Environment Office and Toronto Atmospheric Fund: “Consolidate, and reduce environmental services within divisions, and agencies, and refocus their mandates on services that, in the opinion of the City Manager, are required to meet regulatory environmental reporting requirements, support the City’s interests, or have the greatest return on investment”;

Eliminate the Christmas Bureau, and seek alternative funding sources…from the voluntary, philanthropic and/or private sectors;
Eliminate the Hardship Fund, and request the Provincial Government to fund these services and items;
Eliminate the requirement for paid duty police officers at construction sites where possible;
Eliminate the current windrow clearing program, and…implement a windrow, and sidewalk snow shovelling program for seniors and people with disabilities, operated by a third party;
Reduce service levels [for snow removal, and snow ploughing on local streets] if required to meet the minimum standard;
Reduce the Community Partnership and Investment Program based on consideration of existing legal obligations, and the following criteria: eliminate allocations where City funding represents less than five percent of the program budget or is less than $10,000;
Sell a number of City-run facilities, including three theatres (Toronto Centre for the Arts, Hummingbird Centre, and the St. Lawrence Centre), as well as the Toronto Zoo.

The think tank KPMG needs a little looking suprise here:

"KPMG Among Many Buying Political Influence, January/February 2009. The Multinational Monitor writes, "During the 10-year period, Goldman Sachs spent more than $45 million on political influence buying; Merrill Lynch spent more than $67 million; Citigroup spent more than $100 million; Bank of America devoted more than $38 million; and JPMorgan Chase invested more than $59 million. Accounting giants Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG and Pricewaterhouse spent, respectively, $31 million, $36 million, $26 million and $54 million. The number of people working to advance the financial sector’s political objectives is startling. In 2007, the financial sector employed a staggering 2,996 separate lobbyists, more than five for each Member of Congress. The securities/investment industry alone had 1,023 lobbyists on their payroll. A great many of those lobbyists entered and exited through the revolving door connecting the lobbying world with government."

Related Links:

1) Know More the company KPMG has workers pay lawsuits, tax shelter lawsuits,
2) Wiki on KPMG
3) Full list of recommendations so far KPMG tells Toronto


jayveeaitch said...

thanks for the info and the links, Candy. Enlightening and scary. Where are the progressive consulting firms making the opposite recommendations? Canada could use a few of those.

Furtheron said...

here's a thought...

These austerity measures are no doubt needed because of the need for governments through the IMF or directly to either prop up collapsing national economies (Ireland, Greece, Italy etc.) or banks who failed in the 2008 collapse.

Now who monitor the banks? Well yes we can blame the various national bodies who should to that (FSA in the UK of the Fed in the USA)... however every year banks have to be audited... by... companies like KPMG...


Just a thought that a company that so clearly failed in that arena now seems so keen to tell local governments how to batter down on the citizens who had nothing to do with the collapse. I do marvel at the resilience of the current capitalist model we live under to continue to reward the few at the top.

Candy Minx said...

Jayveaitch...yes, where are the progressive consulting firms and people with great energy and ideas>

Furtheron, wow ...what you said. And you said it so well.

I see it!!!!! Jayveaitch and Furtheron....why can't people just like you two be these new consultants for all kinds of countrie....governments...?????

Gardenia said...

Oh thankfully - someone else who talks politics - wise writing, my dear friend!

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