Saturday, July 21, 2007

Clown Culture

Here is a "bozo the clown" that probably started my fear of clowns...hey The Underground Baker had one of these when we were little...I think she still has it but we hid him somewhere far away from a trunk...?
Japan egg cup clown.
1978 Smurf Clowns.
Ooh...a Varga girl with a clown...
Evil Clown belt buckle...

Check out all the clown gear for sale on eBay, it's amazing how much clown motifs are collectible...there are absolutely pages of clown items...107 pages of clown gear...
Krusty the Clown
Wind-up toy clown
Watercolor Clown

Soooo...I posted Stagg's clown paintings on eBay today. They've been down the basement because well, I might have a minor fear of clowns...I mean wasn't that what Shakes The Clown was all scary clowns can be? Any way I'm holding out high hopes these clowns will sell because people sure seem to like clown stuff....shudder?
Smoking Clown by Anthony Stagg.


Karen said...

Didn't John Wayne Gacy also dress as a clown or paint them? Something like that? ANother reason not to like clowns. And then there's the movie, Killer Klowns from Outer Space.

Like you, clowns freak the shit out of me...

Candy Minx said...

MY sister and I have had some big laughs about her toy clown...yikes, but we're liek creepy. Yes, HWG did dress as a clown for kids parties. Wrong. But I know a lot of people like the whole pathos and comedy idea of clowns. We were discussing today whether there are "classy "clowns or "artsy" clowns or if all clowns have the same resonance...I've got friends who are clowns in circuses...and they are kind of like clowns from 1800's or something, part cary part cool.

Karen said...

I too had a friend from Italy who was a clown but wasn't like our North American Bozo style with the weird face paint and creepy get ups. Perhaps it's just a North American phenomenon?

Wandering Coyote said... the new look! It's's YOU! I am dying to know how you get those little menus in the there a code for that or what?

Candy Minx said...

Karen...yeah I think maybe it is the "cjeap" clown look that scares me. You know what...I think it's maybe that the modern clown face looks like an angry parent in childhoos subconsciousness...the big eyes, red mouth. It's like an angry face not a laughing face.

Wandering know what...I am so lame at blog stuff...but my blog is changed over to new beta and with a new is so practical and easy. I got GOOFY GIRL to tidy everything up....I sent her the header and "bouttons" and she made everything look nice and organized. Her logo is in the blogroll area. I highly recommend the new beta blogger and change template so it moves into "layput" options.. Amazing!


John Wayne who? Dangerous name is that. John Wayne Bobbit gets it chopped off n this one I assume topped a few people?

Crusty's fine. On another level to yer average clown.

me said...

hershall krustofski rules.
all other clowns are evil and scare me.

Kaz Maslanka said...

CLOWNS! hA HA ha Ha!

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