1) Is my blog loading when you drop by? Mister Anchovy says it is very slow to come up when he drops by...he suggests that maybe it is the high res photos or too many unarchived posts? Are you having troubles?

2) I wonder if any of my visitors has read this book The Art World Dream: Alternative Strategies for Working Artists 2001, by Eric Rudd? I thought maybe Steven or Sally or L.M. might have read this one...any good?
Amazon says: Multi-media artist Eric Rudd is not writing for hobby painters or market-driven artists who measure success by the number of prints sold. He has written this book for artists with vision, who see themselves producing great art that has potential for recognition in museums and perhaps a legacy in art history. Rudd sees this as a relatively small group among those who claim to be artists and he pulls no punches in revealing the sacrifices and hard work necessary to achieve these goals. He details his own successes and failures both as an artist and developer of loft art studios from Washington, D.C. to North Adams, Massachussetts. His ideas aren't for the faint-hearted or the hobby painter but rather for the artist with a strong belief in the greatness of the work and a willingness to take risks to create a space where this can happen.
Nope, I haven't read it. I'm too deep into denial about what my art practise is or can do. (but it does look interesting)
b/t/w I don't have any issues with the speed of your site opening, usually blog pages with bunch of youtube embeds will be a bit slow, so I'd be a fine one to complain since mine opens slowly for a lot of people.
Your site opens fine for me L.M. I think the art book looks depressing heh.
No probs over here. I used to have lots on my old Mac, but since I switched things have been fine.
Thanks Wandering Coyote!
Today, your blog is loading fine for me, so I have no idea why I was having problems with it earlier in the week.
Sorry for the late response, I am ironically busy setting up a new work space/studio, but no, I haven't read the book. Your last book recommendation, "Empire of Signs" was so good, I'll have to look this one up.
Thanks for the linkage.
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