I didn't want to watch it, I didn't think I was interested...but it turned out to be major.

Posh Spice is major funny and she has major boobs and major shoes...and the reality show
Victoria Beckham Comes To America was major funny. I've become a major fan.
The poor dears are trying to make do on only a couple million bucks a week too. I think we should all send them some cash to help them improve their lifestyle a little.
Everybody slags em off over here. Tell em it's jealousy and they say you're a dick. It is though. Minimal talent turned into a long and lucrative career just being 'Posh'. Good on her.
Becks is, incidently, one of the greatest England players there's ever been.
Over here it's a national pastime to put em on pedestals n knock em off again.
Doubt they could give a shit though. Not with the money rollin' in. lookin' forward to seein' it over here
Oops, that was me up there Stagg forgot to log off...
Mr. A...the houses she was shopping for in L.A well, just shocking bought one at 17-ish mil. She has a great sense of humor and I was very surprised.
4Dins, the program was a lot of fun. I don't know how many there are going to be but I am glad I landed up watching it...she got some bad press from the blogger "Perez Hilton" and she found out he wrote his 5 mil-hit-a-day blog in a coffee shop...so she showed up to make "friends" with him. Charming.
Never mind the money...is this not the second sexiest couple you've ever seen? (yep, you're already friends with the #1 sexy couple)
I have no thoughts on Victoria really, other than she needs to eat a meal once in a while. I've always liked Beckham, though. Good footballer, and he likes tattoos.
Well, Asterisk, she says "major" about a dozen times in the show...and now I've been saying major this and major that driving Stagg crazy, but in a good way. Beckham is awesome...he wasn't really part of this episode except for looking dead sexy posing for these photo shoots at the beginning of last nights episode. I landed up watching it because I noticed the producer was also the producer of "So You Think You Can Dance"....
no no no no no no no no no!
hate em. both.
he played for the scum, she couldn't sing.
all he can do is kick a dead ball, all she can do is pout.
waste of air! hate em.
but they're your problem now, not ours. enjoy!
Ha ha that's true Cappy...don't worry I am sure the "paps" will take care of em for ya!
p.s. evidence: The New York Times panned the show yesterday...
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