Werner Hetzog, one of the most incredible directors is in a documentary? I was very excited to see this movie,
Incident at Loch Ness following Herzog, monumental director of
Strozek, Grizzly Man, Fitzcaraldo, Aguire:Wrath of God making a documentary about the Loch Ness monster. The film begins at a dinner party at Herzog's house as guests arrive. I can't believe it! In the door comes Zak Penn, a screenwriter, Jeff Goldblum,
Crispin Glover!, I am ecstatic...I can't believe we're going to follow Herzog around and in his house! Then Gabriel Beristain starts to mildly freak out about the lighting for the production, Penn becomes a producer diva from hell...and all the way through this brilliant movie Werner Herzog holds focus and doesn't break out of character. How can a real person, a real movie director...or rather WHY should a real person need to worry about
breaking out of character?

These folks might just be completely mad? Within a few minutes of the movie...I realized I think these guys really like Scotch and decided to make a film in Scotland so they could go drink Scotch! Is this a movie for people who are not major fans of Herzog? I don't know...part of why I loved this so much was because he is the star of the movie...partly because there are a lot of inside jokes regarding rumors about Herzog film sets. How could it be at all possible that
Incident at Loch Ness and
The Life Aquatic could be made in the very same year? If I had a small art house theatre...these would make a terrific double bill.

A boat on the Amazon.

Taking a boat over a mountain.
I hope you find a cool place to energize for a while. Do you have air conditioning in your apartment? I thought I would die last summer - and its been nearly 100 out there this summer. Apartment life without air is h__. I too lose my energy and do not feel good at all when too hot.
Heh heh...well, I don't even like microwaves or dishwashers or vacuums, Gardenia...I'm a real luddite...so no, I don't have an air conditioner. There's been a couple times last week where I thought...hmmm maybe an air conditioner would be nice. But you see I worry they are not good for the environment...Two days ago we had a brown out...which can be caused by a few things but usually it's by over by consumers.
So for six hours the power was out for blocks and blocks. Of course, you start to think...if everyone wasn't usuing their air conditioners etc this wouldn't be happening...and meanwhile...all those people who had air conditioners were put into the same position as me because they were all shut down. I went for a walk during the brown out to find out how big the problem was...and every one I said hi to was super grumpy. I guess because their air conditioning was shut down heh heh.
And ironically, brown outs can be quite hazardous to electrical equipment. How many pieces of machines do we need to have turned on at once I wonder?
I admit that the humidity is not really my cup of tea...I become useless like can't think...I am not very energetic in this weather...but you know it's the season to go to the beach or read a magazine.
It's the ridiculous pressure to perform annually as a consitent production animal that corporations and businesses have to provide air conditioning...they have to give the slaves a little sugar.
Life Aquatic cracks me up. The weird Bowie covers were freaky!
Tim, I love the movie The Life Aquatic...one of my very favorites. I keep saying I'm going to pick up the sountrack...and seeing this Herzog brilliance really threw me...the similarities of story and characters are ridiculous. And Jeff Goldblum is in both of them...it just freaked me out. Did they know each other was working on such similar films? Did one or the other director get inspired by the idea of each others stories? I wonder?
Whe I was a teenager I had a major crush on Klaus Kinski. Sometimes I am so glad that I don't get what I want. (would you want that asshole around the house?)
I like your recommendation of a double bill for Life Aquatic and Incident at Loch Ness.
We're having a heat wave over here on the, usually, wet coast. Very unusual.
Dropping by to say hello as part of my TT rounds.
Talk soon, XINE
L.M. I had a crush on Kinski too , I thought he was sexy in Nosferatu...I don't know there is just something hot about him I can't explain it. I didn't know anything about his personal or emotional life until the other day when I was looking up pictures for this post...and found a couple of sites saying he was "difficult". I was sorry to hear he had an unhappy life because he was such a talented actor, you know?
Hey Xtine, I've heard it's been nutso hot on the west coast, my sis has been taking her kids to the water parks and beach to try and cool down. Strange summer weather...and then today...it's been wonderful and mild after torture the last few days. Hey thans for stopping by...I haven't written my TT list yet. uh oh...
There's a great doc by Herzog called "My Best Fiend" about his relationship with Kinski. It's a hoot to watch if you ever had a major crush on Klaus. (theres a big difference between loving an artist's work and having him shrieking about himself around the house that one can't really discern at the age of 17)
I had big issues with Grizzly Man, and saw Incident at Loch Ness afterwards. It was pretty good. I didn't really realize it was a mockumentary until that model stipped down to her bikini...Took me a while to clue in... As for Grizzly Man...I thought IT was a mockumentary because it seemed so stage managed and ridiculous. I did a review of it on my blog.
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