2) Visiting other peoples blogs, and making comments is as important and fun an activity as blogging aand making posts on my own blog.
3) I visit and comment on a about 10 blogs per day. A couple times a week I may visit 20-30 blogs and read them, usually always making a comment. I find the activity very relaxing and also a good way to put my own issues or problems or even ideas at rest for a while. It really is a form of "listening" by going to other blogs. And listening feels good.

4) Comments remind me that I am part a community of people who have incredible ideas, inventions, artistic and intellectual talent and coping skills. I am always inspired by the things people are able to make and common sense and wisdom they have for so many situations.
5) How to Comment Like A King "These and other good commenters are also in tune to the emotions I portray in my blog and often comment just to encourage me. They are part of my life"
6) The Importance of Comments a little dedication article to comment makers.
7) Geek Sugar has a live comments page.
8) Sort of advice on how to GET more comments and visitors.
(9) Blogs "as an early warning system for traditional journalists." Wired magazine a couple of years ago.
10) Senator McCain against blogs, and here.
These last three are all I could find out about what has been wrong with the comment function on my blog:
To leave a comment on this blog you will have to log in as "other" till beta blogger fixes the problem Thank you! :)
11)Users who have switched to Blogger in beta will not be able to login to comment on blogs that have not switched. Commenting using the “anonymous” or “other” options will still work. Update (9/12): We have started working on making this possible, however the change is substantial and will take a little while before it is ready. Update (9/19): This has been fixed. You can use the “Sign in with your Google Account” link on the Blogger comment form to log in with your Blogger in beta account. — latest update on Tuesday, September 19, 2006
12)Users are seeing errors when posting comments with current Blogger accounts to blogs on the new version of Blogger in beta. Until we fix this, the workaround is to preview the comment before publishing. (You only need to preview once per account.) Update (9/13): This issue has been re-written to clarify the core bug and offer the workaround. Update (9/19): All fixed. — latest update on Tuesday, September 19, 2006
13)The comments Atom feed gives an error message for some blogs/posts. Update (9/7): This has been fixed. All comment feeds should work now. — latest update on Thursday, September 07, 2006
This is week #19 for me in Thursday Thirteen.
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I don't think I could sum it up any better. nice work!
I have been having problems with Beta too. I cannot leave many comments.
I've had a couple people saying they couldn't leave comments--thanks for doing the research so I know what to tell them. :)
It is hard, sometimes, to come up with decent comments without either resorting to a one-liner or comments longer than the post itself. I usually try, and I definitely appreciate comments on my own blog.
my problem was that I couldn't even comment anonymously. However, I realized I could sign in with my gmail info, and it works. How annoying. :) but I'm definitely with you on how important the discussion becomes!
Thanks everybody for trying out the comments feature here even though its all messed up...
Thats right I forgot...as long as you log in using your gmail password and name you can post here easily...I think the entire blogger is switching to this system actually of gmail accounts linked up with blogs...
I had issues with comments, but I think it's fixed now. Lately, I have been hearing more and more that people are having problems with commenting.
I felt I should comment on this one... :)
My personal pet peeve... "Click and Comment Mondays". TOO many bloggers fly in, click on the "comments" button, and then simply write something like "Here for click and comment Monday!"
...and that's it.
As a blogger, it REALLY makes ya feel cheap!
Okay, rant off! Thanks for the post!
Re those last three points, Candy, they are all dated September, and I was having no problems at all until this last two or three days. Bloody annoying.
Comments are a great way to communicate with a growing and increasingly important community, so when it doesn't work it undermines a good deal of the blogging ethos. Additionally it brings a shitload of stress to an otherwise relaxing pastime.
And I still can't fucking comment no matter what i do, whether signing in or going anon or whatever. Aaaarrrghhhh!
Great idea for a post as so many are getting frustrated with it. I love commenting on people's blogs and hate it when I can't. It a great way to get to know someone. :)
I just switched to Beta, and it anonymous-ized a bunch of comments I already had. I haven't had trouble posting on others' blogs, however. I wonder if the issue is because a bunch of people switched over recently. (I got a screen that popped up and I said, "Sure! Why not?") Maybe they don't have it worked out yet.
I love to get comments! :-) You made a great list again!
Thanks for visiting my TT. You are right, the tree originates from pagans long ago. A traditional Yule tree would have all natural decorations: dried fruits, pine cones, etc.
hmmmm....google conspiracy, I'd say.
-your friendly neighbourhood fishboy
I agree, comments are great to get, and i love learning more about people whose blogs I read!
Blog for me. It's therapeutic. Couldn't give a shit if anyone comments to be honest. That bein' said I've found some good friends in blogland - like yerself - n I'd miss em if they didn't pop over. I do it for me though n if everyone vanished n ignored me I'd still do it as long as I needed it. Only snag is I find myself caring about these complete strangers I've never met n probably never will. Nice feelin' but kinda weird in a way. Sod it I like weird. Love yer babe. x
ps DRUNK PUNK RADIO kicks off at midnight GMT this Saturday. Instructions how to listen on me blog. Dunno the time your end. Maybe catch yer there.
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