Sunday, February 27, 2011
Pre-game Warm Up
Ah the night is finally here. My pagan celebration of gods and goddesses. Keeping the snacks pretty simple this year. Just a big salad and grilled fish. Yoghurt for late show snack. I'm rooting for "The Social Network" to get best director, best adapted screenplay, and best picture. And maybe Trent redbud to get best original soundtrack. I think it would be cool if Natalie Portman, Christian Bale or Colin Firth and Melissa Leo got oscars too. I wonder what the clothes will be like? I'm guessing fairly streamlined minimalist...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Hi! We are staying in Florida this week with our wonderful friend Gardenia. She is the most gracious hostess and has been showing us around town. Town being Pensacola. The only thing I knew about Pensacola was from one of my favorite movies " Contact". We head a lot of fun watching movies and busking at the beach and downtown. It's a really beautiful classic place in Florida. I haven't gotten around to posting a bunch of of pics yet but I will when can.
The weather is incredible. I had to cut off a pair of my jeans, Stella macrtney jeans, into shorts. A good problem to have. Tonight we are making pizzas and strawberry rhubarb pie. And the watching the Swedish movies of Stieglitz Larson. The casting is excellent I gigot recommend these mi ies. We watchedt the first one lastnight and wat hinge the other two today. The actors playi g Lisbeth Salander and Mickel Blomkist are perfect. Go rent them now! Cheers!
The weather is incredible. I had to cut off a pair of my jeans, Stella macrtney jeans, into shorts. A good problem to have. Tonight we are making pizzas and strawberry rhubarb pie. And the watching the Swedish movies of Stieglitz Larson. The casting is excellent I gigot recommend these mi ies. We watchedt the first one lastnight and wat hinge the other two today. The actors playi g Lisbeth Salander and Mickel Blomkist are perfect. Go rent them now! Cheers!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
On My To Do List Today
Things You'll Need:
Heavy-duty gloves
Hand-pruning shears
Long-handled loppers
Rubbing alcohol
Pruning saw (optional)
Ladder (optional)
Whitewash solution (optional)
You may ask why do I need these things today...well I'm going to be pruning an orange tree. I have pruned the odd fruit tree over the years, especially when I was growing up in the pacific northwest. I've pruned peach and apple trees and plum trees in Ontario. But I haven't pruned a fruit tree. I am going to prune an orange tree today. I've watched a couple of youtube videos and some info pages with instructions. In general it seems pruning an orange tree is similar to pruning other fruit trees. One interesting difference is protecting the trimmed cuts from direct sunlight to avoid sunburn. By leaving a number of top branches to provide shade this can be accomplished. If needed one should paint the exposed fresh cuts (if you can't use existing branches for shade) with whitewash. Pretty cool stuff. Okay I'm off to it...pruning season is between january and march before blossoms manifest.
Heavy-duty gloves
Hand-pruning shears
Long-handled loppers
Rubbing alcohol
Pruning saw (optional)
Ladder (optional)
Whitewash solution (optional)
You may ask why do I need these things today...well I'm going to be pruning an orange tree. I have pruned the odd fruit tree over the years, especially when I was growing up in the pacific northwest. I've pruned peach and apple trees and plum trees in Ontario. But I haven't pruned a fruit tree. I am going to prune an orange tree today. I've watched a couple of youtube videos and some info pages with instructions. In general it seems pruning an orange tree is similar to pruning other fruit trees. One interesting difference is protecting the trimmed cuts from direct sunlight to avoid sunburn. By leaving a number of top branches to provide shade this can be accomplished. If needed one should paint the exposed fresh cuts (if you can't use existing branches for shade) with whitewash. Pretty cool stuff. Okay I'm off to it...pruning season is between january and march before blossoms manifest.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
A Bit Of A Flashback

I'm just gonna change up the pace around here for a minute. Do a little walk down memory lane.
When I was a young art student I went through a phase of being interested in artist manifestoes. I think thats pretty normal for people first getting into the history of art, asking where our place in all the traditions might be, what horns are we gonna lock with and wrestle. Where do we fit into the history of art and storytelling.
And a number of my friends were also interested in the tradition of artists writing manifestoes. This was back in the day when you actually had to go to a library to look up manifestoes and often we weould photocopy a juicy artist manifesto and share it among our selvers.
Sometime in the later 80's after being out of school, Mister anchovy and I started talking about writing a manifesto. Now I have many ways i would describe my friendship with Mister Anchovy...he was a staunch critic and viewer of art since the day I met him and sometimes he has been known to be very outspoken. Back when we first hung out together , usually with a huge pot of tea and a box of Peak Freen jelly cream cookies we would argue. We would discuss everything from politics to music to art and history...and we would challenge each other. My friendship with Scott also grew out of these kind of discussions about what we believed how we wanted the world to be and how it really was, what challenges do we have to take on in order to practice art...and how do we do the right thing.
You know the kind of shit young people talk about.
So Mister Anchovy and I set about to write a series of notes on our own and then meet up with each other and discuss. And discuss and weed and edit and challenge and think. We wanted to write a manifesto. So we each went to our own corners of the ring...wrote notes and then would meet up for a beer and compare notes. In September of 1987 we asked Tuffy P to get in on the action. I remember being at Mister Anchovy's old studio on Ossington and the three of us hashing out ideas. I,left around 2 in the morning and those two kept at it.
Then we got Scott involved. We set up the idea of write down what you feel MUST be included...and then we all got together and kept distilling our ideas. over and over.
I remember a very funny event where Mister Anchovy met up with another couple we had known at York University. He showed them our notes. There were artists too and after they read what we had written for a manifesto...they said "we can't sign our names to that, you can't show that to anyone, you'll ruin your carreer!"
And Mister Anchovy replied, "what carreer?" it turned out we kind of let those notes back from the late 80's sit around in their own juices for a couple years. I had gone out west in 89 and when I got back to Toronto in 1990, we dug those notes out again and all four of us met up with each other.
Scott often says that our group of friends are friends only because no one else will be friends with us, and he makes me roar with laughter over that one. And writing the manifesto as a group of four people revealed how much we knew about each other, how well we could communicate and how well we were able to negociate collaborations. (we tried to get other frinds/artists to join us, but they were always outraged of shocked by what we wrote)
So, in 1990 we got together a few more times and finally came up with our collaboration which represented each one of us and as a set of artisits and friends. And we published the manifesto in our official languages and on postcard stock. We mailed and distributed them all over the world. We sent these postcards to, Harpers Magazine, Spin Magazine, Kadafi, Senior Bush Brian Mulrooney, Susan sontag, the Sha of Iran, the Tate Museum...just anywhere we could think of we mailed out the postcard with "the Ossington Avenue Manifesto"
We sent these out without putting our names on the idea we would put together a group show with the four of us called "the ossington avenue manifesto" and "reveal" ourselves....more or less causually.
One day I was at an art opening and a very hip, sucessful artist was having an opneing and he had I had shown together a couple years earlier and we saw each other at clubs and around the city. We had a fairly friendly aquantenceship...and enjoyed seeing each other here and there. So we are having a glass of wine and talking and he says "yeah life is weird and etc etc and then you get this postcard in the mail" and he quotes part of it. I say, "hey I wrote that, with three other friends" Well he almost fell over. He was particularly upset by the comments about galleries and the rubber stamp slogan "art is not a transaction"....he was even more shocked that someone who was an artist and so enthusiastic as me had co-written it. He was shocked that it stood up and questioned the authority of galleries.
Anyways...just thought I'd share this with you today...and I suppose if you click on the image you will be able to read it. If you can't read it...I'll type it out later on...
Cheers for now...
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sheesh The Lilas
Okay I gotta write this while some things are fresh in my mind. Stagg is still sleeping. Last night we got here unexpectedly and we had reservation in a hostel but it wasnt until today. We went into the hostel and talked to them about pur mix up and they let us keep the car in the parking lot which was a great help. We thought if we have to we'll stay up all night. New Orleans is the perfect place for staying up all night. We had a cocktail down the street and walked around the neighborhood till just after midnight and we thought we could sleep in the car. We have a lot of things we wanted to do this morning and at least a nap would be wise.I slept okay for a couple hours then had to wake up Stagg to walk me in the dark around 4 to find a loo. Figures! That cocktail caught up with me heh heh.
We got back to the car and had another nap.
Now listen, I am sure a few friends and family members have been surprised that I've been able to function... Even live quite well without my beloved tv and favorite programs. I admit it is a strange thing for me in some ways. I mean I haven't watched Oprah in 3 months! I missed the finales of survivor! I haven't seen bill maher or Jon Stewart in months.
I admit... To an outsider I'm pretty addicted to my stories. I love me some tv. I love me some pop culture. We haven't watched or rented a movie "at home" for months. It's different. And under the circumstance I actually don't think about it that much.
Tv and movies and novels and music are my Greek chorus. They aren't "escape" they are every bit as vital and life affirming in my opinion as food and water. I believe part of our evolutionary adaptations for survival include storytelling. No really, for real. No shit.
So anyways. I've had the weirdest daydreams all last night while sleeping and waking and being just a little restless and all about sleeping in the car. I found myself recalling a little known movie called "Storyville" last night. And I thought about the Dennis quad movie " the big easy". And most of all I was really obsessing about all the characters in "term". I swear I had to keep telling myself they aren't real. I kept thinking hey maybe I'll see steve zhan or Melissa Leo any minute. Not the actors the characters they played in "term". I mean even in the privacy of my own mind I was a little embarrassed by myself. I was so immersed in thinking about these hbo characters... I had the illusion of "knowing" them. Like I half thought I'd see steve earl any minute. I didn't even tell Stagg about this powerful sensation because I thought he'd think I was such a nut and obsessed with tv. I started thinking about John goodman and his character on "term" and o got choked up in the dark in the car and I tried to not think about him. I wondered how could he have chosen that. I said to myself happy thoughts happy thoughts.
I am not a superstitious person ... Except that in some ways I guess I am. I believe and experience lilies. I feel despite my rational side I sometimes feel things are signs. I do try to feel the energy of encounters with people and try to see the Tao. These are considered superstitious attitudes.
So here I am having a coffee at 6:30 using the wifi. And in comes John goodman and he's standing beside me ordering coffee. I shit you not. Talk about a Lila. Talk about a sign. I feel we are in the absolute place we should be in the universe right now. I feel peace and bittersweet. I held back tears of joy sitting outside this morning here typing to you.
Oh and btw, I think Stagg has been kind of impressed with how I haven't joneses too much for my tv stories. I can't wait to tell him this story when he wakes up.
We got back to the car and had another nap.
Now listen, I am sure a few friends and family members have been surprised that I've been able to function... Even live quite well without my beloved tv and favorite programs. I admit it is a strange thing for me in some ways. I mean I haven't watched Oprah in 3 months! I missed the finales of survivor! I haven't seen bill maher or Jon Stewart in months.
I admit... To an outsider I'm pretty addicted to my stories. I love me some tv. I love me some pop culture. We haven't watched or rented a movie "at home" for months. It's different. And under the circumstance I actually don't think about it that much.
Tv and movies and novels and music are my Greek chorus. They aren't "escape" they are every bit as vital and life affirming in my opinion as food and water. I believe part of our evolutionary adaptations for survival include storytelling. No really, for real. No shit.
So anyways. I've had the weirdest daydreams all last night while sleeping and waking and being just a little restless and all about sleeping in the car. I found myself recalling a little known movie called "Storyville" last night. And I thought about the Dennis quad movie " the big easy". And most of all I was really obsessing about all the characters in "term". I swear I had to keep telling myself they aren't real. I kept thinking hey maybe I'll see steve zhan or Melissa Leo any minute. Not the actors the characters they played in "term". I mean even in the privacy of my own mind I was a little embarrassed by myself. I was so immersed in thinking about these hbo characters... I had the illusion of "knowing" them. Like I half thought I'd see steve earl any minute. I didn't even tell Stagg about this powerful sensation because I thought he'd think I was such a nut and obsessed with tv. I started thinking about John goodman and his character on "term" and o got choked up in the dark in the car and I tried to not think about him. I wondered how could he have chosen that. I said to myself happy thoughts happy thoughts.
I am not a superstitious person ... Except that in some ways I guess I am. I believe and experience lilies. I feel despite my rational side I sometimes feel things are signs. I do try to feel the energy of encounters with people and try to see the Tao. These are considered superstitious attitudes.
So here I am having a coffee at 6:30 using the wifi. And in comes John goodman and he's standing beside me ordering coffee. I shit you not. Talk about a Lila. Talk about a sign. I feel we are in the absolute place we should be in the universe right now. I feel peace and bittersweet. I held back tears of joy sitting outside this morning here typing to you.
Oh and btw, I think Stagg has been kind of impressed with how I haven't joneses too much for my tv stories. I can't wait to tell him this story when he wakes up.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
New Orleans.
Well we're sitting in a bar with laundry machines, pool table, and drinks called "tax returns" formerly known as hurricanes.
We didn't plan on getting here till tomorrow but we couldn't fond a place to sleep so I acccidently landed up on the scaryy west bank highway(I don't Care to do THAT again lol).
We are hooked up to get Memphis busking permit but not for a few weeks. Its not. The busking season there yet. My god was it interesting meeting the folks who are going to hook us up in Memphis.
We drove through an amazing campground today. Tickfaw state park. The thong was though it was 6 pm we were already wanting to be here first thing in the morning so we passed. We also didn't have enough groceries to stay there. It is a beautiful state park and when we get some hotdogs well go back. Maybe in a week or two. We just don't know.
For now it is mind-blowing to be in new Orleans. Were on a neighborhood we don't really know and it's adorable. All the houses are decorated with mardi GRAS specific ribbons, crowns, bunting fleur dis lis. Wow!
Okay later love Stagg and candy xxoo
We didn't plan on getting here till tomorrow but we couldn't fond a place to sleep so I acccidently landed up on the scaryy west bank highway(I don't Care to do THAT again lol).
We are hooked up to get Memphis busking permit but not for a few weeks. Its not. The busking season there yet. My god was it interesting meeting the folks who are going to hook us up in Memphis.
We drove through an amazing campground today. Tickfaw state park. The thong was though it was 6 pm we were already wanting to be here first thing in the morning so we passed. We also didn't have enough groceries to stay there. It is a beautiful state park and when we get some hotdogs well go back. Maybe in a week or two. We just don't know.
For now it is mind-blowing to be in new Orleans. Were on a neighborhood we don't really know and it's adorable. All the houses are decorated with mardi GRAS specific ribbons, crowns, bunting fleur dis lis. Wow!
Okay later love Stagg and candy xxoo
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Have Art. Will Travel.

Well, we just didn't know what to do. So...we thought we can't busk in Chicago it's too cold. How about we try to busk somewhere where the weather is more conducive. We are in Memphis...and still moving. Get me, in t-shirt outside.

We packed up the car with quite a bit of paintings, some blankets in case we have to sleep in the car...two small coolers and some clothes. Nore high heels. You don't really know a car until you get it out on the highway. I was really looking forward to getting into 5th gear. I did not sleep much the night before we left so I was pretty tired...and we basically landed up making lots of stops so I could walk around or get a coffee and fresh air. We weren't in a hurry so that was good. Oh yeah. I also got fresh air when at some point between Chicago and Memphis a godawful racket occurred. Like the engine fell out. Only I could tell it was external. Like a plastic bag was trapped on a wheel. So we pull off the Interstate and I drive into a very rural farmhouse driveway. Two dogs started going nuts, so Stagg stayed in the car while I walked around and looked for some kind of freaky thing making noise. I looked under the hood too. I have worked in 3 service stations in my life. Working as a gas jockey was my first "real" job. In Sundre Alberta (I don't count working for caterers and a restaurant as "real job" heh heh). So I'm not afraid to get up in the grill of a car. I can't fix cars but I can look around to see if somethings loose. You have to know hearing that insane loud noise was almost heartbreaking. We had only just got two or threee hours into our adventure! Well, there it was. The heavy plastic substance underneath the chassis and sort of attached to it....was bent (from the crazy wind) and hitting and vibrating on pavement and car. Okay. So I pushed it back into place. And we got back on the Interstate. The problem was as soon as I got over 55 it would start making really loud noise. Now it was bent and dragging on the pavement. I could smell it burning. So we found a service station and I asked if they had a "hearty pair of scissors" I could borrow. This was in Missourri. The gas station owner looked dubuious and asked what for. He said No. You'll need a hacksaw. So he lent me a hacksaw and Stagg found some cardboard in the garbage and I sawed off the suspiciaous annoying section that kept dragging. Oh I forgot. About an hour earlier when we stopped for lunch we noticed the left turn signal had fallen out. No gone. For real. I believe it must have been somehow attached to this renegade heavy plastic. So...we'll be hitting some auto shops in Louisianna in the next couple days.

I don't know if I can explain the characters and peopel we met today down on Beale Street trying to set up our paintings to busk. At one point we had a lawyer give Stagg his card and help us. He was responsible for getting Beale Street back in business when in the 70's the city almost took a bulldozer to the whole street. Only in America could we get a lawyer ready to help us busking art. It was just a crazy day. A lot of red tape and very interesting people. I felt like we were in the movie Midnight In The Garden of Good and Evil. We got in a few hours of busking tonight. We are staying in a hostel and its wonderful. We hit the road again tomorrow morning. If youknow anyone in Lousisianna and New Orleans looking for paintings at sale for a good price...let them know we are on our way. I will blog my location when I can. Night night for now...I'm typing this from the common room of our hostel Cheers!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
It's All Happening
Okay heres the heads up. I said a week ago we would make a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT. Maybe not big to anyone else but pretty major for us around here.
I will get back in the next 18 hours with pics and more details. Lets just hint that it involves the reality that we were walking outside in t shirts tonight. And I'm exhausted ina happy punchy sort of way...
Be sure to check back later...
I will get back in the next 18 hours with pics and more details. Lets just hint that it involves the reality that we were walking outside in t shirts tonight. And I'm exhausted ina happy punchy sort of way...
Be sure to check back later...
Friday, February 11, 2011

Tired of moving stones?
Walk away.
Wow, who knew anything as exciting as the Berlin wall coming down, Nelsen Mandela being freed could happen again? I was crying and crying this morning. People got the power!
I'm at a cafe with the silver mafia right seems to be very difficult for older generations to understand how people got the power. So much cynicism...even in the face of todays celebration in Egypt. Some people say poor Israel, poor us we don't know who we will have to deal with as leader of Egypt now. What happens if another dictator enters government in Egypt?
It doesn't matter. Forever we have seen that we can have a voice.
These same negative people believe that Ronald Reagan took down the Berlin wall. No. Rock and roll and word of mouth took down the Berlin wall.
Last night Charlie Rose said a couple of rerally amazing things. He said "The top world is slow and dumb and the bottom world is smart and chaotic"
Wow, isn't that the truth and the generations and people in power who are at the top have not seen that its not the same world they grew up in. Its not fantasy it really is different. The generations who are on the internet and the people in the "bottom world" already know its different. It all sucks. Enough is enough.
Charlie Rose also said " Theres something more important than security"
And the kids in Egypt have sacrificed the concept of "security" in order to speak out. Maybe their houses and stores are being pillaged...maybe a new leader will be worse than Mubarak...but it doesn't matter because letting go of the brainwashing about "security" and taking a risk for fgreedom and to have a voice is worth it.
This willingness to take a risk in order to speak out against oppression is something the "top world" just doesn't get.
Three cheers for the "bottom world"
Now be inspired and go do something amazing in your own life! Get out there sports fans! If you cant do it for your it for those brave kids in Egypt!
Tired of moving stones? Walk away.
Sex And Love

I've mentioned this earlier but one nice side effect of staying at Grandmas has been that we are out a lot more than we used to be. We spend a fair bit of time in coffee I used when I was a student! It's been really great to be like going out for a movie then go out for a coffee and some cake or a snack afterwards. I sued to do that at least a couple times a week way back when. I used to see at least three movies a week in a theatre back in the day. I really wanted to see The Tourist on a big screen because of the location of Venice. I am glad we did because it was a real throw back kind of movie. It really almost felt like it had an 80's or 60's sensibility to it and I enjoyed that. My god...sure we all know Jolie is gorgeous...but she is insanely beautiful in this movie. No I mean it, the cinematographer totally knew how to photograph her. It's sick and breathtaking how berautiful she is. And even more so when set against Johnny Depp's portrayal of a "plain jane". Believe me, it's a credit to Depp's acting skill that he made me believe he was a plain looking guy...since he is actually gorgeous. Johnny Depp was wonderful as per usual.
This movie did not get very many good reviews. I was curious because the director made the brilliant The Lives Of Others (a must see movie). The Tourist is not a must see movie. This is the movie that Ricki Gervais made the comment "Most movies were 3D this year except for the characters in The Tourist". I thought the actors were fine, and I liked the gentle slow moving camera focused on the faces of the stars. I liked the clothes and setting. The action is slow compared to most contemporary movies and the plot probably too simple and I can see why so many critics didn't like this movie. However, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I reccomend it to those of you who aren't crazy about fast paced action films, it gets a 7/10.

Now this one between Portman and Kutcher was a total winner. The actors chemistry is really really good, the pace is outstanding and the story keeps on giving. The characters are really good including the side friendships and whoever wrote this did a great job. No Strings Attached plays with the traditional setting of sexual chemistry between friends. Sure, it's nothing new but so much in this movie is sucessfully brought together especiually because its very funny. I mean...for gods sake there is an entire period scene with period humnour. It was really fun to see a movie pulled together by the director of Ghostbusters and Stripes Reitman still has it. I expected Natalie Portman to be good, but it was also so very enjoyable to see her glamourous and sexy and playing a character in a more steady love story for a change. She made an awesome leading lady. Now the great surprise is what Ashton Kutcher brought. He brought it all. I love him, but he still really surprised me how much I enjoyed his screen presense, his acting and his character. He really was well-rounded in this story. I cared about him and both Stagg and I laughed a lot. Stagg thought the pacing was one of the best bits about the movie. And this pacing really highlighted some of the problems with the Jolie/Depp movie. No Strings Attached is a very good movie and gets 10/10.

Thursday, February 10, 2011
It's so funny. I'm sitting at a place called cafe neo in Lincoln square waiting for Stagg to get here after his doc appointment. Two people are on their iPhones using facetime, everyone else is on their laptops and two other guys are on skype. One is talking to someone in Ireland and another someone in NY. What am I doing? I'm updating some of my apps just like youmight on a desk top. I've got updates for iMovies, iMovies extra, iBooks, Felix script-writing app, iTunes, and Goodreads from one ofmy bookclubs. I have a half dozen books I downloaded on iBooks. The first book I got was Dickens "a tale of two cities". A few days later Oprah announced it as one of her book choices. Weird huh?
Witches Coven Vs. Welterweight
Above are two sections of the fight between Ward and Neary. We watched these in Toronto with our friend Scott while anticipating seeing the movie bio.
Go and see The Fighter if only for the haircuts. Wow...what a great movie. I was completely into it as soon as it started and it worked its way into my brain and heart totally. I just loved loved this movie. Christian Bale is stunning. Mark Wahlberg is stoic and determined. Every actor brought something to this family drama (and it's funny). The mother and the sisters are some of the scariest vampire witches and I say put them up against any teen vampire movie and they will blow you away. I mean there were oscar worthy smoking sequernces. The hairstylist should get an Oscar. All the smaller supporting roles were just as powerful, touching and worthy as the force of nature that is Christian Bale. I just got so gripped into this story and almost hanging off my chair I got so into the characters and the family dynamic. Absolutely mesmerizing and beautiful.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Eminem Rising
Oh wow...this was one of my very favourite commericals the other night...what a beautiful script and imagery and talk about attitude. You all know Eminem can do no wrong in my world...and I was so excited when he shows up in this advert.
Another one I really liked was the coke fantasy one...
I thought there were some really nicely twisted adverts the other night too. I liek a commercial where I scratch my head but like it. Last week Stagg and I had seen a review of a restaurant out by Grandmas called Hymalayan and we were going to go check it out. Then there was the Timothy Hutton ad where it's all twisted and I thought it was kind of cool. Turns out it offended some people. It begins like its a public service announcement for Tibet but then ends with but you can enjoy Tiobet food. I thought it was surreal and kind of interestingly self-conscious. I didn't hate in fact Stagg and I went bug eyesd because it was for some place we just said we would check out so we were laughing at its twistedness.
As someone who grew up Buddhist as a kid and not only has met the Dalai Lama but has supported some of his causes over the years and spoke against buying any China made products...I was not offended by this commercial. I thought it was super covert. I thought the advert was really clever. I knew it would piss off China governement in a really covert subtle manner.
The truth is people spend money on products that directly put money into the oppressive government of China. It made sense to me to promote spending our money on Tibet culture as a form of showing support with our time, and money. The reraction against this commercial is another example of "outrage" misdirected and reflecting total ignorance.
Monday, February 07, 2011
Lexicon King

There was a period of time in 1993 where every night after work when I got home, I played Enter The Wu-Tang: The 36 Chambers. Really still one of the most phenomenal recordings and still one of my favourites. This album is what its all about. Its actually one of those albums that is bigger and better than what its artists attempted or thought and this I mean as a compliment. Sometimes artists make things that are just transcendant to their intents or dreams or goes to some other realm. Even though Rza is one self-aware and conscientious artist this piece of work is still transcendant. I mean, The Wu knew what they were doing from inside and out. This album is still bigger than them. I recommend two books about hip hop, one is Jay Z's Decoded and the other is RZA's book The Tao of Wu.If you're a hip hop fan you'll already be down with a lot of the language and you might have already read these books. But there is substance for those of us already seasoned rap and hip hop folks. If you aren't much of a fan...or you only know a few hits from the 80's you really might enjoy checking out this book. Stagg and I surprisingly...had just never read it till now, five years after its release. I found some really interesting things in the book. Stagg and I saw Wu-Tang a few years five concerts EVER.

One thing that really bowled me over was a note in RZAs book about Clarence 13x. I was aware of the ideas of the %5...but not much. How did I never hear about this guy? It seems that his life is quite mysterious and each person who has met him or studied with him has a very different take. You eiother think hes a thug or a Father. I am now really obsessed with findiong out more about him...and I have a new fantasy...there should be a movie about Clarence 13x!
Clarence 13 x seems to have taken his studies about Islam and made them very accessible and street friendly with concepts that could be understood via slang, code and quick memory devices. RZA says that most of hip hop language rises out of the teachings and cultural influence in NY and Harlem from Clarence 13x. This is just fabulous to me and intriqing. One didn't have to know about Clarence 13x to follow the messages and vernacular in rap and hip hop, but to hear a claim of such a specific source is just so amazing to me.
Here is Wiki on Clarence 13x...
J's Birthday
I don't care how lousy I look in this picture I died laughing that Stagg took this because it's like I'm doing the Riverdance. As usual...Jason and Mike had us over for a wonderful wonderful time...we slept over and had a swim and lots of good conversations.
I said to myself I wasn't gonna geek out over the view like I usually do, but its always different and stunning, I can't help it!
I love these sunglasses that make it look like you've been blocked out with a black strip.
Jason is so gay he has coasters with pictures of him and Mike for the coffee table...thats impressive! And he was joking about it and I said, "blogable"
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Go Steelers!
Geez the pre-game show is longer and longer.. And now like a whole red carpet so celebrities can cross-promote with big game... And display their fetish with being relevant. I just hope the commercials are better than last year. Last year there was only two good ads. Pur snacks? Salad. Stagg has a peach brandy, me a gin and tonic. There are some chips kicking around too.I've been curious to see the bill o Reilly interview with president Obama... Also part of pre-game programming... The world looks more like Rollerball everyday...Sports: the marriage of art and war.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Medaeval Torture Or Bra Shopping Part 6
Wow I had a fairly sucessful afternoon of bra shopping this week. I have posted about the hell of bra shopping here a few times... Quite a few of you know exactly what I mean... No sales help, crazy sizing, unflattering lighting, bulges, sags, complete lack of decent bra design, overheating in the store with winter coats etc etc. That's just a sample. Well I found two pretty good bras. Whoo hoo! And tonight I adjusted the straps to fit just right. Then I sewed them into place so they don't slip and stay at the right length for shoulders. It's a good day.
Reminds Me Of Kitimat
There is Stagg working his butt took us about 3 hours or more to get a little cleared out. We didn't even dig out the back to the garage or alley. Forgetaboutit. All this snow came in one nights falling and I haven't seen snow like that since I was in school up in Kitimat. Of course this was nothign compared to a regular snowfall up there but it sure kept us busy that first day.
Grandmas house is almost hidden!
A neighbour a few doors down from us had a plow on his truck which was amazing so our street was cleared two days before most of the other streets in the neighbourhood. We gave him a ginormous bottle of Canadian Club we had kicking around the house. Another neighbour gave Stagg a nice bottle of red after he helped them shovel out their car.
Friday, February 04, 2011
Coffee House Music
Having spent a fair bit of time in Internet cafes the past couple months I have been a liitle obsessed with what music they play. The first couple weeks at this one place I used to like to go to (wow I never knew I was gonna get so fussy about coffee shops) um I was like "hey wow what a crazy good cd they are playing." Then I heard it somewhere else. All these acoustic versions of pop songs. Oh it's a satelite station called " coffee house". Now I've pretty much memorized their playlists. Just like top 40 stations. I wonder what the old jug bands who used to do "hootenanny nights" in NY or college towns would think. I wonder what Jerry Garcia would think about coffee house satellite radio? I think he'd be impressed, afterall the grateful dead band eked out some of the most fascinating alternative economic niches...maybe also the original tailgate parties? The grassroots bartering and economies surrounding the dead became standard issue for pop stars and marketing. (one of garcias first bands was a jugband). If I could figure out how to embed a video from my phone I would try to find his early band... Woe is me...
"Mother mccrees uptown jug champions"... What a great name huh? It then was "the warlocks " then the dead I think....
"Mother mccrees uptown jug champions"... What a great name huh? It then was "the warlocks " then the dead I think....
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Snowed In And Making Plans
Here I am sitting on the couch at grandmas typing in my phone to blog. National guard says stay inside. I had the best sleep last night because all the flights were cancelled and the crazy loud winds put me to sleep. Looks like there is a couple feet of snow out there and the car is almost completely buried.
We made a whole new plan for the next few weeks. Used the calendar and wrote a lot of notes. We needed to come up with a vision and so we did. We are setting it in motion next week. I won't tell you what it right now but will start to blog about it on valentines day. I will tell you this we have set aside some money for rent but we don't plan on moving until sometime at end of April. It's a big crazy plan. In the meantime I'll still check in here with some blog posts including topics about citizen 13, kayne west, and rza. Cheers for now.
Ps I didn't buy any groceries this week because we thought we were going to Montreal but the storm and a couple other things got in the way so we didn't have much food here for the storm lol! Except what I had put in the freezer!
We made a whole new plan for the next few weeks. Used the calendar and wrote a lot of notes. We needed to come up with a vision and so we did. We are setting it in motion next week. I won't tell you what it right now but will start to blog about it on valentines day. I will tell you this we have set aside some money for rent but we don't plan on moving until sometime at end of April. It's a big crazy plan. In the meantime I'll still check in here with some blog posts including topics about citizen 13, kayne west, and rza. Cheers for now.
Ps I didn't buy any groceries this week because we thought we were going to Montreal but the storm and a couple other things got in the way so we didn't have much food here for the storm lol! Except what I had put in the freezer!
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